Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Studied male behaviour Essay Example for Free

Studied male behaviour Essay One type of gender bias is alpha bias. This is the tendency to exaggerate differences between males and females. An example of this is heightening the value of women (e.g. Gilligans theory of moral development), and a contrasting example is devaluing them (e.g. Freuds theory of psychosexual development, which says that women develop inferior superegos). Another type of gender bias is beta bias, which is the tendency to overlook differences or exaggerate similarities between the sexes. This was an issue in Kohlbergs theory of the development of moral understanding, as his classifications were largely based on justice-based morality for both men and women, when it may be that women have different moral values. Many psychological studies have been criticised for being androcentric. An example of this is Milgrams (1963) research into obedience. This bias was particularly methodological: he used only male participants, meaning that it is possible that the findings only apply to males and do not generalise to females. This criticism is supported by a replica study by Kilham Mann (1974), who used both male and female participants, 16% of the female participants obeyed and administered the full shock, compared with 40% of the males. This significant difference was overlooked by Milgrams study as he only studied male behaviour. Both of these pieces of research were conducted in a laboratory setting, which is criticised by feminists for being a male-dominated environment that disadvantages women and feminine behaviour: this may have influenced how some of the participants in both studies acted, in that they may have otherwise acted differently if the setting was more natural. The feminist criticism would suggest that, in Kilham Manns study, less women would obey in real life; however this criticism may itself be criticised for alpha bias and reductionism, since it may be too simplistic to characterise behaviours and settings as masculine or feminine. A theory criticised for its alpha bias is the sociobiological theory of interpersonal attraction. The theory states that males and females look for different characteristics in either sex, and will emphasise certain aspects of their own characteristics in order to attract a partner of the opposite sex. Dunbar (1995) compared around 900 lonely hearts advertisements from four newspapers in the United States, and found that 42% of males sought physically attractive characteristics in their partner, compared to 22% of women; and 50% of females adv ertised their own physical attraction, compared with 34% of males. Their conclusion was that the theory was supported and, while this is true to a certain extent, it overlooks the fact that the theory holds true for a maximum of 50% of participants. That is, it was not all males and no females who said that they sought a physically attractive partner. The research therefore demonstrates the alpha bias of both the theory and Dunbars conclusions. In addition, the sample and setting of the theory may produce alpha bias. It may be that dating agencies augment gender differences in order to optimise success rates, even if this is not representative of real life. Subsequently, people submitting their own advertisements may conform to this norm of augmenting their own gender, therefore leading to a biased sample and, therefore, biased results. This research could be improved by using a more representative sample, such as using a random sample from a wide range of places for a questionnaire. This is especially important since the sociobiological theory is an evolutionary theory, in that it assumes that our desires are innate: it is therefore important to gain a sample from multiple cultures. Numerous other theories and research have been criticised for their gender bias. Freuds psychosexual theory of development is particularly vulnerable to this criticism, as it is androcentric. He claimed that women have inferior superegos to men because they do not have a penis, leading to penis envy which would never be fully resolved. In other words, the theory suggests that femininity is a sort of failed masculinity. This is contrary to the widely accepted idea that women and men, despite their differences, are equal; and even Freud (1925) admitted his gender bias, saying that we must not allow ourselves to regard the two sexes in completely equal in position and worth. In reaction to this, Homey (1926) said that it did not make sense that women would envy a mans penis, instead envying their higher social status (at the time). Horney also coined the term womb envy, which describes a mans envy of women for their ability to have children, therefore providing a less androcentric view by indicating that men and women are different and envy each others positive characteristics. Kohlbergs (1976) theory of moral development has been criticised for beta bias and androcentricism. In his research, he presented participants with moral dilemmas and categorised them with respect to how much they had matured morally based on their responses to the questions subsequently asked. However, this may be seen as androcentric due to the criteria required for categorisation: the dilemmas were based on abstract principles of justice, which Gillian (1982) proposed was an inherently male method of thinking. This meant that Kohlbergs findings classified most women as being morally inferior to men because of the beta bias of the theory. Gilligan (1982), instead, proposed that womens morals are based on care and relationships, whilst those of men are based on justice. However, this theory shows alpha bias, and the existance of this bias is demonstrated by her own findings that roughly as many women base their morals on justice as on care. In fact, Walker (1984) found, in a meta-analysis of 108 studies, that only 8 studies showed overall gender differences in morality (which, ironically, displays beta-bias).  It may be that the alpha- and beta-bias in such studies arise due to a lack of explanation of individual differences, as it is rarely the case that there are no differences between men and women, or that men and women are completely different.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The Glass Menagerie :: essays research papers

The Glass Menagerie Plot Overview The Glass Menagerie is a memory play, and its action is drawn from the memories of the narrator, Tom Wingfield. Tom is also a character in the play, which is set in St. Louis in 1937. He is an aspiring poet who toils in a shoe warehouse to support his mother, Amanda, and sister, Laura. Mr. Wingfield, Tom and Laura's father, ran off years ago and, save for one postcard, has not been heard from since. Amanda, originally from a genteel Southern family, regales her children frequently with tales of her idyllic youth and the scores of suitors she once received. She is disappointed that Laura, who wears a brace on her leg and is painfully shy, does not attract any gentleman callers. She enrolls Laura in a business college, hoping that she will make her own and the family's fortune through a business career. Weeks later, however, Amanda discovers that Laura's crippling shyness has led her to drop out of the class secretly and spend her days wandering the city alone. Amanda then decides that Laura's last hope must lie in marriage and begins selling newspaper subscriptions to earn the extra money she believes will help to attract suitors for her daughter. Meanwhile, Tom loathes his warehouse job and finds escape in liquor, movies, and literature, much to his mother's chagrin. During one of the frequent arguments between mother and son, Tom accidentally breaks several of the glass animal figurines that are Laura's most prized possessions. Amanda and Tom discuss Laura's prospects, and Amanda asks Tom to keep an eye out for likely young men at the warehouse. Tom selects Jim O'Connor, a casual friend, and invites him to dinner. Amanda quizzes Tom about Jim and is delighted to learn that he is a driven young man with his mind set on career advancement. She proceeds to prepare an elaborate dinner and insists that Laura wear a new dress. At the last minute, Laura learns the name of her caller, and it turns out that she had a devastating crush on Jim in high school. When Jim arrives, she answers the door, on Amanda's orders, and then quickly disappears, leaving Tom and Jim alone. Tom confides to Jim that he has used the money for his family's electric bill to join the merchant marine and plans to leave his job and family in search of adventure.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Case Analysis for Virgin Mobile Essay

VIRGIN MOBILE USA – ‘FIRST PRICE’ STRATEGY (An analysis of the Pricing Decision alternatives that Virgin has to undertake to create an alternate customer segment and monetize their buying power)VIRGIN XTRAS – OVERVIEWThe Virgin Mobile USA service involved content, features and entertainment, called â€Å"Virgin Xtras†.Collaboration with MTV networks as it was the most recognized youth brands in the country and unparalleled reach forthe under-30 market segment: Exclusive, multiyear content and marketing agreement. MTV network to deliver music, games and other MTV-, VH1-, and Nickelodeon based content to Virgin Mobile subscribers. Subscribers would have access to MTV- branded accessories and phones, graphics, ring tones, text alerts and voice mails. Promotional airtime on MTV’s channels and website. Virgin mobile subscribers to vote for their favorite videos on a few MTV shows.Other Virgin Mobile services that aimed to appeal to the youth market , generate additional usage and create loyaltywere: Text Messaging Online Real- Time Billing Rescue Ring Wake- Up Call Ring Tones Fun Clips The Hit List Music Messenger MoviesTraditional Channel Virgin’s ChannelServices sold at own proprietary retail outlets, kiosks in Services sold where youth shop especially consumermalls, high-end electronic stores, speciality stores etc. electronic goods in stores like Target, Sam Goody music stores, Best Buy. High-touch sales people who were paid high sales Products packaged in consumer electronics packaging, placedcommission to ensure hands-on service. on a bright red clamshell, which gave it visibility and no salesperson was required.Cost per handset from Nokia, Motorola, Samsung etc. – Cost per handset from Kyocera- $60-$100. Lesser subsidy$150-$300. Entailed substantial subsidy from the entailed by the company.handset makers, a component of acquisition cost.Distributors’ industry avg. Commission- $100/phone Distributors commission- $30/phone.The availability of the phones were not as segment Phones available at 3000 retail outlets in USA, and availabilityspecific as Virgin targeted included at retailers such as Sam Goody, Circuit City, Media Play, Virgin MegastoreBilling is monthly Billing is to be real-time and with online avenues PRICING DECISIONS:-CUSTOMER PERSPECTIVESThe company tried to distinguish itself from the competitors standpoint by playing on the fact that t he targeted segment‘did not trust  the prevalent pricing points’ in the industry that hinged on the credit worthiness . The main practicesprevalent were:- 90% of all subscribers had contractual agreements for a period of 1 year-2 years Required rigorous credit check Plans established â€Å"buckets† of minutes, on extra usage users penalized heavily. Charged less for off-peak than on-peak minutes, but the off-peak period had shrunk. An additional fee was charged to add to the monthly bill, which included taxes, service charges. Per minute Charge (Y-axis, in cents) for the bucket of minutes contracted (X-axis) 180 160 140 120 100 80 Per minute Charge for the bucket of minutes andcontracted (X-axis) 60 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140The bold line represents the cost per minute charged for a valid contract (which is shown by the arrows). The higher costin the vent of under-utilization of the contract is due to the high fixed cost (like the subsidization of hand sets,, contractcharges etc.)The higher limit in the vent of exceeding the contract is due to penalizing.PRICING DECISIONS – COMPAN Y PERSPECTIVESVirgin Mobile USA had to fix all these problems prevalent in the industry while taking a pricing decision. The mainconstraints it faced was that the prices should be competitive and profitable without triggering of competitive reactions.There were 3 options available:OPTION 1- ‘Clone the Industry Prices’ The message would go to customers that they were priced competitively with few advantages like differentiated applications [MTV] and superior customer service. Better off-peak hours and fewer hidden fees would be the selling point but the total pricing structure would still depend on off-peak and peak categorization as well as contacted minutes. Easy to promote as this strategy of â€Å"buckets† was already prevalent in industry. But risks alienating the target base as they already did not make the required cut for the credit worthiness. OPTION 2- ‘Price below the Competition’ Similar pricing structure as rest of industry, with actual prices slightly below those of competition only within the highest frequency range. Better off-peak hours and fewer hidden fees could also be given.OPTION 3- ‘A Whole New Plan’ Entirely different pricing structure. Eliminate contracts and going for prepaid pricing structure. However the nature of the American cellular market with operator dedicated handsets ad prohibitive pricing followed by the competitors due to high churn rates Cost of Acquisition Subsidization of Advertisement Sales handsets . Break even analysis and Life  time Value for cellular subscribers:- As already, stated in the current scenario, most mobile companies amass working capital by going for long term contracts. Compared to a US$ 100 acquisition cost for a prepaid connection, the equivalent historical cost of acquisition for a post paid consumer is US $ 370. Assuming that we stay with the post paid plan due to industry imperatives, we find that the average calling rate is around 10-30 cents per minute for a average bucket usage of 100-300 minutes (this is the target usage range that Virgin is aiming to target in the second option) Hence, average cost incurred by the company for a customer = US$ (0.1 x 300) =US$ 60 (The most promising aspect in the relevant range) Acquisition cost = handset subsidy given to hand set manufacturers (US$ 60 -100) + advertisement costs ( US$60 million budget spread over an estimated 1 million subscribers = US$60)+ sales overheads (US$100-150) = US$ 290-370 per user per month. Now, Breakeven point in terms of month is calculated as:- Total fixed cost = US$ 370 (acquisition cost for a post paid customer) = 28.46 months Revenue – Variable cost US$ 57 (avg. revenue per month from a user- ARPU) – US$30Hence it takes around 29 months for the customer to prove profitable for the company even in the most promisingscenario of the relevant range.But we will also have to induct the churn rate of around 2% per month into this optimistic consideration and try tocalculate the LTV. If the LTV is positive then the company should go ahead. The option that yields the largest LTV shouldbe chosen.LTV = ∑ (Ma).r(a-1) – Acquisition cost (1+i)a View slide Here, the margin remains relatively fixed across the periods which can be assumed as a modest 12%, r is the retentionrate which comes to around 72% (churn rate of 2% p.m. compounded monthly over a year = 1.02Ãâ€"1.02x†¦..till 12months ), i becoming interest rate assumed to be around 5%Margin in a month = (Average monthly phone bill ∞,=US$52)-(Cash cost per user =US$30) = US$22Now taking this value of n we have :- LTV = M/(1-r+i)Now calculating the LTV for every option available will give us a marker of how the pricing strategy should be used forusing various options considering the fact that the interest rate remains constant at 5%:-For option 1:-LTV = US$ {(22*12)/(1-0.72+0.05) } – 360= US$ 421For option 2:- Here the retention rate can be assumed to have been bettered by differential pricing in the 100-300minutes usage category , so we can assume a modest increase to 80%. But this is more or less offset by the increase incash cost to user which  can be assumes to rise by 5% if the differential pricing is 5% below the average industrystandard. So the margin can be assumed to drop to US$19. Here, LTV = US$ {(19*12)/(1-0.8+0.05) } – 360= US$ 489Hence we can see that even with modest assumptions, the LTV is maximized for Option 2, henca the company shouldventure into differential pricing if at all it wants to deviate. But considering the high acquisition turnover time andrecovery time of almost 29 months, it is a risky strategy because of very high mobility in the targeted segment.Hence Virgin should focus on non price factors such as :- If the contracts are done away with, this will ensure more loyalty of the target segment as the majority of them are not credit worthy. The positioning of Virgin Mobile USA and its collaborations with partners like MTV will attract more customers which are loyal. The cost of acquisition of a customer comprises of advertisement, sales cost and subsidy given. Since these costs are much lower than the other competitors, they can price themselves lower than competitors. They can also be transparent in their cost structure, eliminating hidden costs .Hence, initially it should give non-price advantage to its customers and over a period of time can reduce costs to sustaingrowth and drive off competition virgin mobile Presentation Transcript We Answer To A Higher Calling Prepared By – Team 4 Pooja Gupta (P122033) Rohit Singh (P122038) Saurabh Singh (P122041) Varun Anand (P122049 Virgin Groupâ€Å"Virgin believes in making a difference. We stand for value for money, quality, innovation, fun and a sense of competitive challenge. We strive to achieve this by empowering our employees to continually deliver an unbeatable customer experience.† Virgin Mobile USA†¢ Commenced operations in June, 2002†¢ Led by founding CEO Dan Schulman†¢ Entered USA as a 50-50 joint venture between Virgin Group and Sprint Corporation. Virgin Mobile USA’s service would be hosted on Sprint’s PCS network†¢ Sprint was in process of updating its network and increasing its capacity. View slide Virgin Mobile USA†¢ Schulamn- â€Å"The nice thing about this model is that we don’t have to worry about huge fixed costs or the physical infrastructure. We can focus on what we do best-understanding and meeting customer needs.†Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ â€Å"We Answer To A Higher Calling†Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Providing extra-ordinary services and experiences at a low price as $35 View slide Objective†¢ Create value and profitability in cell  phone service industry†¢ Target market ages 15-29, opportunity for growth with this market segment†¢ 1 million subscribers by year 1, 3 million by year 4†¢ â€Å"By focusing on the youth market from the ground up, we’re putting ourselves in a position to serve these customers in a way they have never been served before† -Dan Schulman, CEO, Virgin Mobile USA 4P’s of Virgin Mobile USAWhy? Problem with Current Telecom Services†¢ Low penetration among consumers aged 15-29. Growth rate for this segment was projected to be robust for the next 5 years†¢ Target group had been undeserved by existing carriers and specific needs that haven’t been met†¢ Average monthly cell phone bill – $52 representing 417 minutes of use. Hence, cost to serve a customer – $30†¢ Carriers tended to be wary of acquiring low- value subscribers Target Group and Behavior†¢ Consumers aged 15-29†¢ Calling pattern is different from typical business person†¢ Open to new things: – Text messaging – Downloading information using cell phones – More likely to use: ringtones, faceplates and graphics †¢ It’s a fashion accessory and a personal style statement Mobile Penetration by Age Group Revenue from Mobile Entertainment Services Pricing Trend in US before Virgin†¢ Over 90% of all subscribers had contractual agreements for a period of 1-2 years with their cellular providers†¢ Customers would sign up for ‘buckets of minutes’†¢ If a user used more than allocated minutes, they would be charged with extremely high rates (eg: 40 cents / minute)†¢ If a user used less than allocated minutes, they were still charged the fixed monthly fee, which drove up their price per minute Calling Plans – Industry PricesPrice per minute Contract Commitment – Minutes Calling Plans – Industry PricesPrice per Minute Contract Commitment – Minutes Pricing Trend in US before Virgin†¢ Carriers charged less for off-peak than on-peak minutes†¢ Off-peak time changed from 6:00 PM to 7:00, 8:00 and then finally 9:00 PM†¢ Some carriers charged a monthly fee (appox. $7) to move the peak time back to one hour†¢ Carriers added additional fees to monthly bill (tax or other additional cost information was not communicated. So a $29 plan ended up being a $35 plan) What Virgin focused on?†¢ Customers couldn’t predict their usage and ended up choosing  wrong plan pattern†¢ Customers think they use more minutes than they actually use†¢ Target segment actually used 100-300 mins/month but target predicted their usage is higher than that†¢ People tried picking up lower bucket plans to avoid high monthly fees but they ended up paying a lot more than that due to usage of minutes above the bucket†¢ On-peak and off-peak minutes weren’t in right mix 4P’s of Virgin Mobile USAWhat? What to provide them? VirginXtras†¢ Delivery of content, features and entertainment†¢ Signed a exclusive and multiyear, content & marketing agreement with MTV networks to deliver music, games and other MTV, VH1 and Nickelodeon based content to Virgin Mobile Subscribers†¢ Deal with MTV also ensured airtime on MTV’s channel and web site VirginXtras†¢ MTV-branded accessories and phones and contents (ringtones, text alerts and voice mails†¢ To vote for their favorite videos on MTV’s shows like â€Å"Total request Live†Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Text messaging – No. of text msgs tends to skyrocket during school hours. Reason: Parents don’t see who they call, private form of communication VirginXtras†¢ Online Real-Time Billing – No call detail on monthly bills. Website will record individual calls on a real-time basis†¢ Rescue ring – Mobile subscriber will get a call at prearranged time to â€Å"escape† in case a date was not going well .†¢ Wake-up Call – Chance to wake up to original messages from a variety of cheeky celebrity VirginXtras†¢ Ring Tones – Customized ringtones would be available for subscribers to download†¢ Fun clips – News, tidbits, jokes, gossip, sports and more†¢ Hit List – Vote top 10 list of hit songs. Would be able to hear the %age of other subscribers who either â€Å"loved it† or â€Å"hated it† VirginXtras†¢ Music Messenger – Tap into 10 songs list & forward it to a friend allowing them to check out a hot new track†¢ Movies – Movie descriptions, show timings, and buy tickets in advance Handset: First 2 basic models named â€Å"Party Animal† and â€Å"Super Model† came with interchangeable faceplates decorated with eye-catching colors and patterns 4P’s of Virgin Mobile USAHow? Virgin’s Goal†¢ To make sure their prices are competitive†¢ To make sure they could make profit†¢ Don’t want to trigger off competitive reactions Options†¢ Clone the Industry Prices†¢ Price Below Competition†¢ Whole New Plan Clone the Industry Prices†¢ Use same prices as other competitors†¢ Communicate  -â€Å"priced competitively with everyone else but with a few key advantages like differentiated applications (MTV) and superior customer service† – MTV Applications and features – Superior Customer service†¢ Offering better off-peak hours and fewer hidden fees†¢ Put on packaging so that even without a salesperson, consumers would get the message Price per minute Contract Commitment – Minutes Clone the Industry Prices Price Below the Competition†¢ Maintain buckets and volume discounts†¢ Set price per minute below the industry average for certain key buckets – Target young market 100-300 mins Price per minute Contract Commitment – Minutes Price Below the Competition A Whole New Plan†¢ Shorten or Eliminate Contracts – Contracts guarantee annuity stream – Contract allows 18 years or below to purchase the product – Churn rate was 2%, new plan could increase churn rate to 6%†¢ Prepaid service – 92% US subscribers had Post-paid – Pre-paid was used on occasional basis as rates per minute was high and no credit check was required – Has high churn rates. Company would never be able to recoup its customer acquisition costs – New mechanism or infrastructure was required for prepaid services A Whole New Plan†¢ Handset subsidies – Mobile carriers subsidized the cost of handset to end users to acquire customer cost†¢ Eliminate Hidden Fees and off-peak hours – ‘what you see is what you get’ – Rolling out hidden costs into pricing such that pricing feels competitive – off-peak should benefit the target group. Minute usage is very different from busines s class Price Below the Competition What they did?†¢ LTV Model – Life Time Value†¢ In marketing, customer lifetime value (CLV), lifetime customer value (LCV), or user lifetime value (LTV) is a prediction of the net profit attributed to the entire future relationship with a customer†¢ Simplified Model†¢ LTV = (M/(1-r+i)) – AC Factors influencing LTV†¢ ARPU: Avg Revenue Per User†¢ CCPU: Cash Cost per User = 45% of ARPU†¢ M: Monthly Margin = ARPU – CCPU†¢ r: Retention rate ( 1 – (12*6%)) = 0.28†¢ AC: Acquisition Cost ( = $120 for Virgin) – Sale commission – Advertising per gross add – Subsidy cost LTV Calculation†¢ LTV = (M/(1-r+i))  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ AC†¢ => M = ARPU – CCPU = (1 – 45)% = 55%M on yearly basis, assuming that a customer talks for 200mins. M = (1-0.45) * 200 * 12 * p p -> can be 5 – 30 cents/min (As competitors are charging more than 30 cents/min LTV @ Different Price Points†¢ LTV(at 5 c ents)= (1-.45) (200*12*.05) /(1-.28 + .05) – 120 = -34.28†¢ LTV(at 7 cents)= (1-.45) (200*12*.07) /(1-.28 + .05) – Break-even120 = 0 point†¢ LTV(at 10 cents)= (1-.45) (200*12*.1) /(1-.28 + .05) – 120 = 51.42†¢ LTV(at 15 cents)= (1-.45) (200*12*.15) /(1-.28 + .05) – 120 = 137.14†¢ At 7 cents, the LTV =0 which tells that minimum of 7 cents should be charged by the virgin†¢ Virgin can charge any amount more than 7 cents LTV @ Different Price Points Price Point LTV5 cents / minute -34.287 cents / minute 010 cents / minute 51.4215 cents / minute 137.14 Break-even point Current Plans in Market Company Plan ValueAT&T Starting at $40/monthVirgin Mobile USA $35T-Mobile $34.99 (Only talk + text) other plans starting at $59.99 Providing a plan with music and other added features Virgin’s Service Offering†¢ Extra features: Music, Wallpapers, Videos, Live Video Request, Rescue ring, wake-up call facility†¢ New improved billing pattern and online real-time monthly bills†¢ Prepaid plan†¢ No contracts†¢ No hidden charges†¢ No peak off peak hours†¢ Very low handset subsidies†¢ No credit checks†¢ No Monthly bills†¢ Price: 25 cents per minute for the first 10 minutes; 10 cents/minute for the rest of the day†¢ No exact numbers, but churn rate lower than 6% Conclusion†¢ Virgin correctly identified service gaps in telecom industry and what customers needed.†¢ Virgin identify inflexibility in calling plans and in other plans.†¢ Provided extra services than current mobile carriers.†¢ Provided a medium of entertainment on go.†¢ Offered customized services at a relatively low cost. References†¢ HBR case study â€Å"Virgin Mobile USA: Pricing for the Very First Time†Ã¢â‚¬ ¢

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Essay on The PPACA Obesity and Teen Pregnancy Prevention...

Current statistics indicate that in the United States 4 out of 10 girls will become pregnant at least once before the age of 20 (Harris Allgood, 2009, p.1314). This population of mothers is more likely to dropout then other adolescents in their age group (Harris Allgood, 2009, p.1314). In fact, more than 60% of teens who give birth before the age of 18 will drop out of high school, putting them at a greater risk of being impoverished later in life (Harris Allgood, 2009, p.1314). Additionally, the children of adolescent mothers are more likely to have complicated deliveries that can lead to chronic medical and developmental problems (Harris Allgood, 2009, p.1315). With higher rates of poverty as well as increased pregnancy†¦show more content†¦Finally, states may use these funds to inform the public of the services available to pregnant teens under the creation of the PAF (Boonstra, 2010, p.12). For individuals without adequate or any health insurance, accessing timely care is complicated (Sultz Young, 2014, p.298). Additionally, this lack or coverage may lead many to seek care in emergency centers as increased rates than in other ambulatory settings (Sultz Young, 2014, p.298). These increased costs are passed on to the insured in higher premiums (Sultz Young, 2014, p.298). For the 40% of teen mothers in the U.S, they place this burden on society. Many teen mothers deal with decreased economic outcomes due to poor educational success (Patel Sen, 2012, p.1063). The impact of teenage parenting on government expenditures totaled $11.3 billion in aid (Patel Sen, 2012, p.1063). Today, expenditures of Medicare and Medicaid programs, constitute 40% of all healthcare spending (Sultz Young, 2014, p.313). This program, aims to provide opportunities for more opportunities for teen mothers and expectant mothers to access these medical assistance programs (Boonstra, 2010, p.11). Wh ile this may cause an increase in healthcare spending for Medicaid programs, in the long run it will contribute to decreased utilization of high cost emergency center care, which drives up health insurance costs for others. The Pregnancy Assistance Fund also creates a variety of potential savings opportunities by addressing theShow MoreRelatedPatient Protection And Affordable Care Act2026 Words   |  9 PagesPatient Protection and Affordable Care Act Overview and Critique The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is legislation President Barack Obama passed in 2010. The PPACA seeks to reform healthcare throughout the United States of America by expanding coverage, containing healthcare associated costs, and improving healthcare quality (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2013). The PPACA has many implications both at the federal and state level that are important to note, which are more fully appreciated