Monday, September 30, 2019

History Of The ECCE Sector In Ireland Essay

Introduction. In this assignment I will outline and discuss the Historical Development of  the ECEC sector in Ireland. ECEC is the Early Childhood Education and Care division in Ireland. I will give a clear explanation of the rights of a child in the context of the ECEC setting. I will also give a detailed accountant of the ECEC sector and its range of occupation. I will give a detailed description of the qualifications and experience needed for work associated with one occupation in the ECEC. Finally, I will give an extensive examination of the employment and career opportunities in the childcare area. History of ECEC provision in Ireland. Pre-school education did not really exist in Ireland until the 1980s and 1990s. This was largely due to the fact that until quite recently the majority of Irish women did not work outside the home. Even if they did, childcare was usually provided by family members or child-minder’s located in the community and known to the family. The marriage bar meant that women working in the public service had to leave their jobs as soon as they got married and become stay-at-home mothers and wives. This ban was lifted in 1957 for primary school teachers, but it was 1973 before the ban was lifted for other women in the public service. The ECEC needs of babies, young children and their families were met instead by a broad range of community, voluntary and private enterprise. ECEC service provision was unregulated until 1997. When the child care regulations 2006 came into effect, no stipulation as made regarding the qualifications necessary to deliver such services beyond the person having their own children, a reference to show appropriate experience in caring for children and/or an appropriate qualification. One important initiative came from the public sector in 1969, with the opening of a state-run pre-school in Rutland street Dublin. The Department of Education worked with the Van Leer Foundation- an organisation that promotes the early education of children living in economically disadvantaged areas. Together, they set up the pre-school in Rutland Street as a template for other such pre-schools around the country. These pre-schools were known as Early Start pre-schools. A total of 40 pre-schools opened nationally- all of which are still open today. In 1992, Ireland ratified the United Nations Convention on the rights of the child. This helped to bring to public consciousness the rights of children. And in 2000,  the Department of Health and Children published the National Children’s strategy. This strategy set out a ten-year plan for the improvement of children’s lives in Ireland. One of the goals of the National Children’s Strategy is that children will receive quality supports and services to promote all aspects of their development. The strategy aims to fulfil this by providing quality childcare services and family-friendly employment measures. There have been many other significant initiatives and decisions in Ireland in recent years in an attempt to respond to the demand for equality in ECEC. In 1989 the National Forum on Early Childhood Education was established. This brought together organisations and individuals with an interest in early childhood education. In 1999 the National Voluntary Childcare Collaborative was established. Today the organisation comprises seven national non-government agencies decimated to the promotion of ECEC in Ireland. Also in 1999 the White Paper on Early Childhood Education, Ready to Learn as established. The purpose of this was to set out government policy on all issues relating to early childhood education. Quality of provision was the key theme of the White Paper. In 2002 the Centre for Early Childhood Development and Education was established. CECDE aimed to achieve the goals set out in the ready to learn (1999). The organisation was disbanded in 2008, when it was seen by the government to have achieved everything it was set up to do. The Child Care (Pre-School) regulations were established in 2006. The regulations clearly list all the requirements that must be met by organisations or individuals providing ECEC services to children aged 0-6. Sà ­olta was established in 2006. The Sà ­olta framework was developed by CECDE in a process that took over three years and involved more than 50 different organisations representing childcare workers, teachers, parents, policymakers and researchers. Sà ­olta aims to define, asses and support the improvement of quality across all aspects of practice in ECEC settings that cater for children ages 0-6. Aistear was established in 2009. In 1999, the NCCA published the Primary School Curriculum, which did direct and regulate the curriculum followed in infant classes. In 2009, the NCCA published Aistear. The ultimate aim of Aistear is the development of the whole child. Free Pre-School Year Programme. In 2010, the Department of Children and Youth Affairs introduced the Free  Pre-School Year in Early Childhood Care and Education Programme. Before this, it was only children in disadvantaged areas who could avail of free or subsidised pre-school education. The Free Pre-School Year Programme recognises that all children benefit from equality pre-school education. The programme recognises that because pre-school education in Ireland usually comes from private providers, it is expensive and therefore not available to all children, e.g. children of parent’s not working outside the home. Under the programme, pre-school provider are paid per child enrolled. The providers must meet certain criteria before entering the scheme, e.g. staff qualifications. This has had the effect of incentivising providers to meet criteria, which in turn has increased the quality of provision. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989). The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is an internationally binding agreement on the rights of children, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1989. A child is defined in the UNCRC as a person under the age of 18. Ireland signed the convention on 30th September 1990 and ratified it on 28th September 1992. By ratifying the convention, the irish state committed itself to the promotion, protection and fulfilment of children’s rights as outlined by the convention. The convention incorporates children’s rights under three categories: Civil and political. Social, economic and cultural. Protection. In the ECCE settings children have the right to experience environments which meet their own specific needs. High quality early childhood programmes do not separate care from education or education from care. They provide warm, caring and stimulating environments for children. Children are deeply involved in their own learning, supported by a knowledgeable, observant staff in an environment structured to drive exploration and discovery. Equality refers to the importance of recognising different individual needs and of ensuring equity in terms of access, participation and benefits for all children and their families. Diversity refers to the diverse nature of Irish society for example in terms of social class, gender, returned Irish emigrants, family status, minority groups and the majority group. According  to the National Childcare Strategy 2006-2010 diversity and equality Guidelines for Childcare Providers the term minority group includes but is not limited to; People with a disability The traveller community Economic migrants Black Irish Irish-language speakers Refugees Asylum seekers Children with gay or lesbian parents Families of minority religious faith Under the Equal Status Acts 2000-2004, discrimination is prohibited on nine grounds; Gender Material status Family status Sexual orientation Religious belief Age Disability Race Membership of the Traveller community As a result of the multifaceted population in Ireland, practitioners work with children from minority groups and it is their task to ensure that they are integrated well into education and all children are treated equally. Equality and Diversity is just as important in childhood as the concept is in adulthood and included in many childcare documents to ensure best practice. The National Childcare Strategy gives guidelines on promoting equality and diversity in ECEC setting, as follows. Provides CDs of children’s songs in a number of different languages. The language will focus on English and Irish but educators can also include different languages from different cultures. Children can listen to them in the classroom on a regular basis. It is surprising how quickly children will pick up on new languages. Allow children regular access to art materials with which they  can paint, draw and colour different images that incorporate a range of skin tones. Children can talk about their images when they are finished. Provide toys or images familiar to an individual child so that a sense of belonging is fostered. Items that represent diversity will benefit all children in the ECEC setting. Display pictures of children and their families around the classroom. Pictures should be displayed at the children’s level, so that they can see the images whenever they wish. When the children look at such images, there is an opportunity for them to chat about similarities and differences. Provide a wide range of children’s books that show images of diverse people and their lives. Recent books are unlikely to have stereotypical roles seen in books from previous times. Many books will provide pictures of children from minority groups; children will be curious about pictures with other childr en in them. Pre-school regulations. Early childhood care and education services are regulated by legally binding requirements. These are the Pre-school Regulations, which first appeared in 1996 and have been updated with effect from January 2007. The main purpose of these regulations is to ensure that standards are in place to safeguard the health and welfare of children in pre-school services and to promote their development through the provision of developmentally and culturally appropriate materials, experiences, activities and interactions. The Child Care (Pre-School Services) (No 2) Regulations 2006 and the Child Care (Pre-School Services) (No 2) (Amendment) Regulations 2006 are made under Part VII of the Child Care Act 1991 and prescribe the measures which must be in place to meet the requirements of the Act. The Regulations include an Explanatory Guide to Requirements and Procedures for Notification and Inspection which offers guidance on good practice in relation to areas covered by the Regulations which include the following: Health, welfare and development of the child A person carrying on a pre-school service shall ensure that each child’s learning, development and well-being is facilitated within the daily life of the service through the provision of the appropriate opportunities, experiences, activities, interaction, materials and equipment, having regard  to the age and stage of development of the child and the child’s cultural context. First aid and medical assistance There should be a suitably equipped first-aid box for children and arrangements to call medical assistance in an emergency. Management and staffing The law makes provision that a person carrying out a pre-school service must ensure that a sufficient number of suitable and competent adults are working directly with the children at all times. (â€Å"Suitable and competent†adults are adults aged over 18 with adequate appropriate experience in caring for children under 6 years and/or who have appropriate qualifications to care for these children). There should be appropriate vetting of all staff, students and volunteers who have access to a child by obtaining references and Garda vetting. *When a full day care service also takes children not on a full day basis, sessional service adult numbers apply. Note: The above ratios may not apply if the service is participating in the Early Childhood Care and Education Scheme. The Child and Family Agency can limit the maximum number of pre-school children who may be catered for at the same time. This provision is aimed at preventing over-crowding in pre-school services. If the Child and Family Agency proposes to limit numbers, the provider will be notified and has the opportunity to appeal or make representations about this decision. Behaviour management Anyone providing a pre-school childcare service should ensure that no corporal punishment is inflicted on any child attending the service. There should be written policies and procedures to deal with and to manage a child’s challenging behaviour and to assist the child to manage his or her behaviour. Register of pre-school children A pre-school childcare provider should keep a register with details of each child attending the service including name, date of birth, contact numbers for parents and child’s doctors. Information for parents Parents should be given information about the service including details of the person in charge and other staff, the adult/child ratios, the maximum numbers and age range of the children, the type of care, facilities, opening hours and fees. Premises and facilities Pre-school services (including child-minders, drop-in centres, crà ¨ches, etc.) are obliged to ensure their standards meet certain standards and provide certain facilities. These rules include ensuring that: The premises are of sound and stable structure and are suitable for providing pre-school services Adequate space per child is provided in the premises Fixtures, premises and fittings are kept in a proper state of repair and in a clean and hygienic condition and protected from infestation Furniture, work and play surfaces are clean, suitable, non-toxic and retained in a proper state of repair. There are adequate and suitable facilities for a pre-school child to rest and to play indoors and outdoors during the day Pre-school childcare providers are required to ensure that the building has suitable and adequate heating, ventilation and lighting; sanitary accommodation, waste storage and disposal Safety measures Adequate arrangements must be in place for extinguishing fires. Staff must be trained in use of equipment. Staff and pre-school children should know evacuation and other procedures. All heat-emitting surfaces in the premises have fixed guards or are thermostatically controlled. Gardens and play areas are fenced and doors and gates secured to prevent children straying. Ponds, pits and other hazards are fenced to ensure children’s safety. Food and drink A pre-school service should ensure that suitable, sufficient, nutritious and varied food is available for a pre-school child attending the service and there should be adequate and suitable facilities for the storage, preparation, cooking and serving of food, and adequate and suitable eating utensils. Handwashing, wash-up and sterilising facilities should be provided. The Department of Health’s Food and Nutrition Guidelines for Pre-School Services (pdf) advise that children in day care for more than 5 hours per session (full day care) should be offered at least 2 snacks and 2 meals, including one hot meal. Insurance The provider should ensure that the pre-school children are adequately insured against injury while attending the service. ECEC Services Currently Available in Ireland. The types of ECEC services currently available in Ireland can be organised under these headings; Sessional services – which provide ECEC services for a set period of time during the day. E.g. 9am-1pm. Full time services- which provide ECEC services throughout the day. Part-time services – which provide ECEC services for a total of 3.5 hours and less than 5 hours a day. Sessional services include; Playgroups Montessori schools Naà ­onraà ­ Early start Pre-school for traveller children Pre-schools for children with special needs Parent and toddler groups Full-time services include; Creches Day care centres Nurseries Occupations within the childcare sector. Nursery nurses Playgroup leaders Educational/special needs assistants Childcare manager/supervisor Montessori teacher Child-minder Au pair Nanny Childcare manager. These practitioners ensure that the care and education of the children is being maintained at all times. They take care of any issues that arise and they are in direct contact with parents. They are responsible for the day-to-day running of the childcare facility. This role requires childcare qualifications as well as experience in the area. The role also requires excellent interpersonal and organisation skills and the ability to manage a team of employees. A career plan. Short term goals. My current short term goals are to complete this QQI level 5 childcare  course. I aim to get 8 distinctions so I can go onto third level after in September. I finish this course on the 8th of May. For the summer I hope to get a part-time job somewhere working with children. In September I hope to attend Cork Institute of Technology to study early year’s education. This course is a three year course with a level 7 degree. Between now and September I hope to gain loads of experience with working with children as I feel I learn better by gaining practical experience. Within the next few months, I also hope to have completed a first aid course as it is essential to be trained in first aid when working with children also it looks good on your curriculum vitae. Medium term goals. In September I hope to attend Cork Institute of Technology to begin studying Early year’s education which is a duration of three years and you qualify with a level 7 degree. As this course will take up a lot of my time, I won’t have enough time for a full time job. I will need to fund my way through college though, so every chance I get I will be working, be it baby sitting or working in a restaurant. I would certainly rather it be a job working with children as the more experience I get the better knowledge and understanding of the work in a childcare setting I will have. During these three years in college I hope to do a lot of charity work also, for child line, Barnardos and maybe even the Jack and Jill foundation, again all of this would be a great experience but also it would feel wonderful to be a part of trying to make disadvantaged children’s lives a bit better. Long term goals. Hopefully in 2018 I’ll b graduating from Cork Institute of Technology with my level 7 degree in early year’s education. When I have graduated and have my degree I hope to take a year out and go Au pairing in America, I’m very interested in it and I have done a lot of research on it but I think right now I am a bit too young and I will wait until I have got my degree and I’m that little bit older. My heart is set on Au pairing, I think it would be a fantastic experience and also it would look very good on my Curriculum Vitae. When I come back after my year Au pairing, I would love to do some work with special needs children, be it volunteer work or a Special needs  assistant in a school. So hopefully in five years, I will have that job as a S.N.A. If I don’t find a job to work with special needs I would gladly go and find work in a Montessori. From there on in roughly ten years I would love to have my own Montessori open and running and also be doi ng some volunteer work when I have the time. Challenges to achieving goals. Of course I would love to reach and achieve my goals but with these goals also comes a lot of challenges. For me to be able to move onto third level education in September, a lot of time and study has to go into my assignments and my exams. Trying to achieve distinctions in all modules will be the most challenging. With hard work and dedication I feel I will be able to achieve these goals. Time is a huge challenging factor in achieving some of these goals. As I’ve so much to do and very little time to get it all done. Before I complete this course I hope to have also completed a first aid course, but this will also be difficult as I will have many assignments to do along with study for exams. I will have to have all my assignments handed up on time but also put a lot of effort into them to try and achieve my distinctions. As I want to do a lot of volunteer work, time is also a challenge, as I have a lot of study to do and hopefully a job to be committed to, I really would love to do some volunteer work but again I’ll have to wait and see how I am doing with college and work. Money is also an issue with achieving these goals, as you know college is very expensive and I will be a full time student so it will be quite difficult to fund myself sufficiently. I will have to work twice as hard with every opportunity I get to earn money. I will have to look for a good job with good pay which is quite challenging and also be able to balance college and work will be difficult. For my long term goals, there definitely will be challenges I will meet along the way. A huge challenge will be money. If I want to do some extra course that I may not plan on doing now, it could add up to a lot of money, especially when my dream is to open and run my own Montessori. Even though this is a long term goal and is many years away, I will probably have to start saving for a rainy day which will hopefully end up going towards opening my own Montessori. Education and training needs. For me to become a fully Montessori teacher I need a level 7 qualification. This qualification will allow me to open up my own Montessori. With a level 6 degree it will only allow me to work in the Montessori and be a room leader. Education is essential for wanting to work in a Montessori or any childcare facility for that matter and also to be able to open and run your own care setting. A qualification is your number one priority you need for working in a childcare facility. Also Garda vetting is essential. Without your Garda vetting being cleared there will be no chance you will be allowed work in a childcare setting. There must be a staff member on the premises at all times who is qualified in first aid. So it is vital that when wanting to work in a childcare setting that you are somehow qualified in first aid and that you do a refreshers course every two years. In a lot of childcare settings there is a kitchen for cooking and preparing hot food for the children that are there for long days, so for working in a childcare setting it’s essential to have a H.A.C.C.P (hazard analysis critical control point) course done. This course makes you more aware of food hygiene in the setting and helps you prevent cross contamination and food disease in the childcare setting. Bibliography. Flood, E., 2013, child development, FETAC levels 5&6, Dublin: Gill & Macmillan. 1st February 2015.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The 23rd Session of the International Poplar Commission

The 23rd Session of the International Poplar Commission The Mechanism of 2n Pollen Formatiom in Populus ? euramericana and P. ? popularis Speaker Jin-feng Zhang (Jennifer) [email  protected] edu. cn Beijing Forestry University P. R. China OUTLINE 1 Introduction 2 Materials and Methods 3 Results and Analysis 4 Discussion 1 Introduction 1. 1 Polyploid breeding is an important part in poplar breeding ? ? Triploid white poplar trees Triploid and aneuploid hybrids in Populus trichocarpa ? P. deltoides ? Triploidy were found in the cultivar poplar clones in section Aigeiros Introduction 1. 2 Mechanisms of 2n gamete formation in plant ? ? ? ? ? Premeiotic doubling Omission of the first or second meiotic division Abnormal spindle Abnormal cytokinesis Nuclear fusion FDR ( first division restitution ) : Contains non-sister chromatids SDR ( second division restitution): Contains two sister chromatids 1 Introduction 1. 3 The objective of this study ? Poplar can produce 2n gamete naturally or b y artificial induction Elucidation of the cytological mechanisms of 2n gamete formation has been seldom in poplar.To detect and elucidate the mechanisms of 2n pollen formation in diploid poplar Results from this research may offer a more effective method for polyploid breeding in poplar in section Aigeiros. ? ? ? 2 Materials and Methods 2. 1 Plant materials ? Populus ? euramericana Four male : EA1, EA2, EA3 and EA4 One female: A ? P. ? popularis The offspring of (P. simonii ? (P. nigra var pyramidalis + Salix matsudana mixed pollen) ) One Male: P ? The crosses A ? EA1, A ? EA2, A ? EA3, A ? EA4, A? P 2 Materials and Methods 2. 2 Microsporogenesis observation 2. 3 Flow cytometry analyses 2. 4. Chromosome counting 2. 5. SSR analysis 3. Results and Analysis . 1 Cytological determination on 2n pollen formation 10 11 5 6 8 9 Table 1 The expected and observed rate of 2n pollen grains Sporads Code of poplar Dyad Triad Tetrad Total Expected rate of 2n pollen % Observed rate of 2n pollen % ? 2 EA1 EA2 EA3 EA4 P 539 163 689 2189 308 341 1818 682 4093 484 6629 5528 6354 1691 7308 7509 7509 7725 7973 8100 4. 96 7. 69 7. 14 36. 17 3. 15 0. 03 0. 09 10. 08 29. 41 2. 35 26. 056** ** Indicated significant difference between expected rate of 2n pollen from sporads sample and the observed rate of 2n pollen from pollen sample at P< 0. 01. The percentage were converted to arcsine data before ? 2 test. . Results and Analysis 3. 2. Detection of polyploid offspring of 2n pollen Diploid 61# Diploid 61# Triploid 65# Triploid 65# 0 50 Channels (FL2-A- 100 150 1. 27) 200 250 Diploid 61# Diploid 61# Triploid 73# Triploid 73# 0 50 Channels (FL2-A- 100 150 1. 27) 200 Diploid 61# 61#+ 61# Diploid 75# 75# Tetraploid Tetraploid 75# 0 50 Channels (FL2-A- 100 150 1. 27) 200 250 3. Results and Analysis 3. 3. SSR determination on mechanism of 2n pollen formation M > + M EA4> A EA4 4x 75# 2x 2x 2x 4x 2x 2x 75# > 4x M EA4 + 75# 2x 2x 2x A M > + 4x 2x 2x 2x EA4 A 75# (a) Primer: 14: M > + EA4 A (b ) Primer: 41 4x 2x 2x 2x (c) Primer: 47 75# + 4x 2x 2x 2x EA4 A 75# M (d) Primer: 68 (e) Primer: 105 Table 2 Segregation of alleles at loci where the male Populus ? euramericana. (Dode) Guinier parent EA4 is heterozygous Code 14 41 47 68 105 SSR primer GCPM_2453-1 GCPM_3345-1 GCPM_3559-1 GCPM_432-1 ORPM_29 locus 1 2 3 4 5 6 EA4(>) AB AB AB AB A0 B0 A(+) CDE AC B A C0 DE 75#(4x) ABCDE ABC AB AB A0C0 B0DE 421(2x) 422(2x) 423(2x) ADE AC B A C0 BE ADE AC AB A C0 BE ADE AC AB A C0 BE These letters do not necessarily correspond to discrete alleles(e. g. the â€Å"E†band for GCPM_2453-1 may be the non specific amplification ) and ORPM_29 primer detects two loci, 0 means a null allele. . Results and Analysis 3. 3. SSR determination on mechanism of 2n pollen formation M > P + 3x 3x 2x 2x 2x A 65# 73# M > + 3x 3x 2x P A 65# 73# 2x 2x (a) Primer: 13 M > P + A 3x 3x 2x 65# 73# 2x 2x (b) Primer: 68 (c) Primer: 105 Table 3 Segregation of alleles at loci where the male P. ? popularis parent P is haterozygous Code 14 68 105 SSR primer GCPM_2453-1 GCPM_432-1 ORPM_29 4 AB BD AD AD BB AB AB locus 1 2 3 P(>) AB AB 00 A(+) CAD C C0 65#(3x) CAB AC C0 73#(3x) 321(2x) CAB BC C0 AD AC 00 322(2x) 323(2x) AD AC C0 AD AC 00These letters do not necessarily correspond to discrete alleles(e. g. the â€Å"C†band for GCPM_24531 may be the non specific amplification) and the ORPM_29 primer detects two loci, 0 means a null allele. 4. Discussion 4. 1 Mechanisms of 2n pollen formation 4. 2 The biological reason for high percentage of 2n pollen 4. 3 The formation of 2n female gametes in poplars of section Aigeiros 4. 4 Polyploidy identification using molecular markers 4. 5 Implications of polyploidy for genetic research and tree breeding

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Analysis of Menos Question to Socrates

However, Socrates attempts to explain to Meno why it is that he will be able to find what virtue is by introducing the idea that knowledge is inherent in the individual as it is passed along through the soul. When Meno demands proof of this concept, Socrates provides an example of a slave boy using â€Å"inherent knowledge† to calculate the length of a square needed to double it’s own area. This experiment shows Meno that virtue, along with other knowledge, can indeed be discovered through the inherent knowledge in one’s soul, and only has to be â€Å"remembered† to become of use. When Meno proposes his argument to Socrates that a search for what you do not know is impossible, he is reasoning that if one does not know what it is they are trying to find, one will never know if they have found it. Meno seeks to understand how an individual can find new knowledge if they have no clue how to find it or how to comprehend the discovery of it. Socrates acknowledges Meno’s argument and states that â€Å"man cannot enquire either about that which he knows, or about that which he does not know; for if he knows, he has no need to enquire; and if not, he cannot; for he does not know the very subject about which he is to enquire† (Meno, Plato). Meno believes that this proves his own argument, but Socrates proposes an alternate way to attain knowledge. Socrates speaks of â€Å"priests and priestesses† who â€Å"say that the soul of man is immortal† (Meno, Plato). Also, he says the soul has kept all the knowledge from previous â€Å"lives† that it has had, and therefore knowledge is obtained through recollection instead of learning. Socrates attempts to prove his theory by providing an example with one of Meno’s slaves. His experiment is simple. Socrates calls over a slave boy and asks him about squares. The boy knows has some knowledge of the properties of squares including the fact that they have four equal sides, they can be divided in half, and the area is equal to the side multiplied by the other side. However, when Socrates asks the boy to determine the length of a side necessary to double the area of a 2Ãâ€"2 foot square, the boy mistakenly says 4 feet (which would yield a square 4 times too large). The slave proposes a length of three feet, but is wrong again. Here Socrates makes a note of the â€Å"torpedo’s touch† (Meno, Plato) or â€Å"aporia† (Aporia, Burbules), which means that the boy knows that he does not know. Socrates states that this state of mind is better than believing false knowledge, because one will know that there is knowledge to seek. Socrates maintains that throughout the experiment he was never teaching the slave, but only asking of his opinions. Therefore, the knowledge that the slave called upon must have already been inherent if he had not learned it before (since slaves had little education the boy was the perfect example for Socrates to demonstrate this â€Å"inborn knowledge. ) Socrates makes his argument clear: if the slave had no knowledge of what is was he was searching for (the length of the side), and the information was not taught to the boy, then the information must have already been inherent in the boy’s soul. Here is Socrates’ argument in Premise/Conclusion form: P: Slave isn’t taught. P: Slave has no prior knowledge. P: Immortal soul contains knowledge. C: Knowledge must come from one’s immortal soul. P: You do not know what you are trying to find. P: You are not taught what you are trying to find. P: Your soul contains inherent knowledge. C: You can find what you are searching for through recollection of the knowledge â€Å"stored† in your soul. Socrates’ proofs are meant to enforce his views that knowledge such as virtue must be searched for, â€Å"that a man should enquire about that which he does not know† (Meno, Plato). Citations: Burbules, Nicholas C. â€Å"Aporias, Webs, and Passages: Doubt as an Opportunity to Learn. † Curriculum Inquiry 30. 2 (2000): n. pag. Aporia. 2000. Web. 12 Sept. 2012. . Plato, and R. S. Bluck. Meno. Cambridge [Eng. : University, 1961. N. pag. Print. Analysis of Menos Question to Socrates However, Socrates attempts to explain to Meno why it is that he will be able to find what virtue is by introducing the idea that knowledge is inherent in the individual as it is passed along through the soul. When Meno demands proof of this concept, Socrates provides an example of a slave boy using â€Å"inherent knowledge† to calculate the length of a square needed to double it’s own area. This experiment shows Meno that virtue, along with other knowledge, can indeed be discovered through the inherent knowledge in one’s soul, and only has to be â€Å"remembered† to become of use. When Meno proposes his argument to Socrates that a search for what you do not know is impossible, he is reasoning that if one does not know what it is they are trying to find, one will never know if they have found it. Meno seeks to understand how an individual can find new knowledge if they have no clue how to find it or how to comprehend the discovery of it. Socrates acknowledges Meno’s argument and states that â€Å"man cannot enquire either about that which he knows, or about that which he does not know; for if he knows, he has no need to enquire; and if not, he cannot; for he does not know the very subject about which he is to enquire† (Meno, Plato). Meno believes that this proves his own argument, but Socrates proposes an alternate way to attain knowledge. Socrates speaks of â€Å"priests and priestesses† who â€Å"say that the soul of man is immortal† (Meno, Plato). Also, he says the soul has kept all the knowledge from previous â€Å"lives† that it has had, and therefore knowledge is obtained through recollection instead of learning. Socrates attempts to prove his theory by providing an example with one of Meno’s slaves. His experiment is simple. Socrates calls over a slave boy and asks him about squares. The boy knows has some knowledge of the properties of squares including the fact that they have four equal sides, they can be divided in half, and the area is equal to the side multiplied by the other side. However, when Socrates asks the boy to determine the length of a side necessary to double the area of a 2Ãâ€"2 foot square, the boy mistakenly says 4 feet (which would yield a square 4 times too large). The slave proposes a length of three feet, but is wrong again. Here Socrates makes a note of the â€Å"torpedo’s touch† (Meno, Plato) or â€Å"aporia† (Aporia, Burbules), which means that the boy knows that he does not know. Socrates states that this state of mind is better than believing false knowledge, because one will know that there is knowledge to seek. Socrates maintains that throughout the experiment he was never teaching the slave, but only asking of his opinions. Therefore, the knowledge that the slave called upon must have already been inherent if he had not learned it before (since slaves had little education the boy was the perfect example for Socrates to demonstrate this â€Å"inborn knowledge. ) Socrates makes his argument clear: if the slave had no knowledge of what is was he was searching for (the length of the side), and the information was not taught to the boy, then the information must have already been inherent in the boy’s soul. Here is Socrates’ argument in Premise/Conclusion form: P: Slave isn’t taught. P: Slave has no prior knowledge. P: Immortal soul contains knowledge. C: Knowledge must come from one’s immortal soul. P: You do not know what you are trying to find. P: You are not taught what you are trying to find. P: Your soul contains inherent knowledge. C: You can find what you are searching for through recollection of the knowledge â€Å"stored† in your soul. Socrates’ proofs are meant to enforce his views that knowledge such as virtue must be searched for, â€Å"that a man should enquire about that which he does not know† (Meno, Plato). Citations: Burbules, Nicholas C. â€Å"Aporias, Webs, and Passages: Doubt as an Opportunity to Learn. † Curriculum Inquiry 30. 2 (2000): n. pag. Aporia. 2000. Web. 12 Sept. 2012. . Plato, and R. S. Bluck. Meno. Cambridge [Eng. : University, 1961. N. pag. Print.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Sustainable and Renewble resources in Ontario Essay

Sustainable and Renewble resources in Ontario - Essay Example The renewable resources that are found in Ontario are natural resources that can be replenished with the passage of time; the latter happening either through biological reproduction or through processes that occur naturally. These resources can be considered a basic part of the natural environment and in fact, they form a large component of its geographical features. It is therefore important to study the renewable resources of Ontario to determine their lifecycle, since a positive lifecycle is normally an indicator of the sustainability of the resource being studied, and the opposite is true. There is a connection between sustainable and renewable resources and the ability of the people using them succeeding. This depends entirely on the quality of these resources and the depth at which they are used in the day-to-day lives of those who are its frequent users. The practices involved in the use of renewable resources are what determine how well these resources are used as well as the means through which these resources can be sustained for use by future generations.... to contribute to the success of the people’s responsible use of renewable resources and, in fact, many businesses have ensured its implementation within their wider plans of the future (Christidis & Law 81). When the responsible use of renewable resources is integrated together with the mainstream business practices, it leads to the extension of the awareness of individuals in the society concerning the importance of these resources. It has been found that any studies concerning renewable resources, being geographical in nature, has to be done over a specific duration of time in order to note the results of the studies being conducted. Various issues usually emerge that may involve the stakeholders and these may require a response in order to protect the renewable resources in question. It is a fact that many businesses in Ontario at times have aims of integrating the sustainability of renewable resources when conducting their activities as well as in their processes and produ cts, but often, these businesses end up facing significant challenges that they fail to adopt there measures. Recent studies on renewable resources have attempted to reinforce a connection between sustainability and innovation. This has involved the selection and maximization of the value of such studies for the long-term prospects that the businesses that function in this environment will have to consider when making their plans concerning the environment. For instance, a business that has a paper-recycling scheme is able to improve a balance sheet in several ways such as savings on costs, enhancing employee commitment, as well as ensuring that the forests within the province are preserved. Technology is one of the most important sources of solution during the implementation of projects whose

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Educational theory, trends, and perspectives Annotated Bibliography

Educational theory, trends, and perspectives - Annotated Bibliography Example The book targets multilingual students and teachers providing them with a diverse approach to education. Due to the current global travels, personalities need to be conversant with a variety of languages. As opposed to one local language in most learning approaches, the book contributes a lot to severalty in languages. Cognitive education, theories and applications through and explanation of the concepts surrounding them are looked at. The enhancement of these theories and their application to a classroom situation are expounded. The target audience for the book is practicing psychologists, students’ psychologists, and consultants. The book is relevant in providing psychology skills and shows the applications of these skills in education. Psychology perceived to be a complex subject is extensively simplified in the book. The book revolves around expounding the complex and extensive vernacular language in todays world. The book employs theory to explain these issues in a number of approaches. Through the theories, researchers interested in studying how several vernacular languages came about derive a lot of benefits. Languages exist in millions all over the world and an approach to find out about how they came to exist is a tall order. The book gives a whole different view to the notion. The book by Baker highlights the roles played by education policy in the development of education and the society. The book targets policy makers in governments and institutions of higher learning. It reiterates the critical role that education policy plays in developing education. The book further highlights that support clear decisions and resources are mandatory for such policies to work. Through good foundations by way of policy formulation and implementation, the challenges in the education sector are this of the past. The book by Becker introduces non specialists and the economic practices they use in handling Education practices. The ideas in

Was Abigail Adams politically correct to use her influence to defend Essay

Was Abigail Adams politically correct to use her influence to defend womens rights - Essay Example the ladies, we are determined to forment rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation."(The Book of Abigail and John, March 1976. Pp. 121-122) By this she meant to remember the women’s rights in the passage of the laws, and the women who worked hard for the independence of America. Her words to that letter were threatening, invoking the power of women to form a rebellion if they were not heard by authorities. She argued that women were not created for sex purpose only. Here, Abigail tried to explain in her letter that women should not be oppressed and should be treated with equality or otherwise break the old system of masculine sovereignty. Abigail was also concerned on discriminations and domestic problems of the people, particularly, her friends, who had to leave Boston. There was a great turmoil and resistance from Boston people over the oppressive taxes by the British government at that time, so the public was restiv e. The famous Boston Tea Party came about in this particular period to demonstrate protests on taxes. The Boston Tea Party that threw loads of tea to the sea was a showdown of protest that imminently led to a revolution. Due perhaps to this commotion, many people had to leave Boston, and that included friends of Adam’s family. Abigail complained about this on her letter to John Adams on July 12, 1775 relating to him the difficulty of Mr. Hayden and Mr. Trott in finding a suitable home in Braintree ( Adams Electronic Archive, n.d.) .Housing was one of the problems that could be articulated in the letter. Therefore, it is a national problem that could only be addressed by the government. She probably felt her husband had the power to give solution to this tight spot of domestic problems. In... The paper describes and outlines the role of the small women Abigail Adams in the history of America. Abigail felt her husband had the power to convince lawmakers to change the fate of women’s lives. In the early days, once women got married, everything had to be consulted to the husband. Women’s roles were to be housewives and to raise children. Working outside the house, or in a factory was in their farthest dreams. All these changed with the American Revolution. Women found new roles and satisfying jobs in seeking the freedom of the country. Perceptions of women on their roles changed too so that it gradually revolutionized their role’s perspectives. As a woman who had connections, Mrs. Adams probably thought she can employ her influence to change the lives’ direction of women; and above all, she was a woman who felt the predicaments of women in the society. Indeed, Abigail Adams was correct, because she sparked the idealism for women and became an infl uential figure of her time. Little did she know that her letter would chart the destiny of women. Had she kept her cool and quiet, progress could have been stalled. . The spirit of activism and heroism which are still felt today is an aftermath of Abigail’s influence and that of the women who insisted on their rights. Once the women were granted privileges, significant changes were made. We now have women leaders in the government and heads of states, representatives and senators. Men and women together showed action and dedication to work for a change.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Supply chain management in the uk construction Industry Essay

Supply chain management in the uk construction Industry - Essay Example According to the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), â€Å"supply chain management encompasses the planning and management of all activities involved in sourcing and procurement, conversion and all logistics management activities† (Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals, n.d.). In addition to these, SCM also includes collaboration and coordination with channel partners which includes suppliers, customers as well as intermediaries. The council also says that the supply chain management also plays a crucial role in integrating demand and supply management across and within the companies. According to James B. Ayers, supply chain management is all about â€Å"designing, maintenance and operation of supply chain process, including those that make up extended product features, for satisfaction of end-user needs† (Ayers, 2000). Over the past few decades various techniques regarding supply chain management (SCM) have been used successfully in different industries like manufacturing and food. In these industries, the supply process encompasses all those activities that are associated with the processing – from raw materials to the finishing of the final product. The entire process involves procurement, production scheduling, inventory management, order processing, storage, customer service, transport and all the supporting information systems. Roy Morledge, Mohieddin Grada and Andrew Knight opined that in manufacturing industry, supply chain management strategies are adopted assuming that it is â€Å"an ongoing process where supplier and customer experience involves frequent transactions for the same or similar products† (Pryke, 2009). SCM strategies are considered as the key in maintaining quality and making the innovation process easier. Each of the aspects through which SCM is integrated wit h the manufacturing and food industry can be discussed in the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

CASE STUDY ON ETHICAL ISSUES Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

CASE STUDY ON ETHICAL ISSUES - Term Paper Example He is seen to be making decisions that may put the police in question, but such actions often led to successful gathering of evidence against drug traffickers. In this case, the general ethical dilemma is choosing to behave ethically in the police force and lose evidence or behave unethically in order to gather evidence. The police usually face a lot of dilemmas, and if they do not have the courage to face such dilemmas and make quick decisions, their efforts may not be fruitful. The ethical codes of the police usually go beyond their individual moral values (Sharps, 2010). The police need to develop an appropriate mechanism of apprehending criminals and obtaining evidence to be used in court while at the same time adhering to the police code of conduct. Some of the ethical issues that pose ethical dilemma to the police include: seduction and entrapment, deception, and issues related to selective enforcement, privacy and discretion. In order to identify and overcome ethical dilemmas, there are certain steps that need to be taken. First, it is important to understand the issues raised by the situation. Secondly, it is important to identify the ethical principle that is being violated in the situation. The third step is to identify the steps that need to be taken in order to correct the situation. Lastly, the police should identify what they could have done in order to avoid the situation. When discharging their duties, police officers should avoid ethical dilemmas by performing their primary responsibility which is to act an official government representative trusted to work according to the law. Ethically, police officers are required to perform their duties without favor or ill will. They should not discriminate people in terms of status, sex, religion, political inclination or aspiration while serving them. The police should also treat people equally with a lot of consideration and dignity. Furthermore, officers should not let

Monday, September 23, 2019

Persuasive Research Paper on ( Gun Control) Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Persuasive on ( Gun Control) - Research Paper Example There were 280 million firearms in private hands in America in 2005 and there were only 300,000 gun crimes (Kessler 46). For Kessler, this means that at least 279,700,000 guns did nothing wrong (46). Further, Kessler added that in 89% of the crimes, the person who used the gun was not the one who bought the gun (46). Kessler interpreted the data to mean that the root of America’s crime problem is not the number of guns in the hands of American (46). Kessler’s key argument is that American should not restrict gun rights but should â€Å"deepen† instead the sense of gun ownership (47). In a way, Jim Kessler hit the nail on the head. Indeed, deepening the sense of gun ownership will probably decrease the crime rate. However, this sense of ownership can be deepened not through liberal gun laws but by regulating people’s access to guns. This should not be interpreted as curtailment of rights. In the same way that the right to free speech is moderated by libel laws, the rights to gun ownership will have to be moderated by society’s consideration for the general good. This is because not all persons are ready enough to own guns. Not all individuals are responsible enough to have unhampered access to guns. Responsible gun ownership is promoted best not through liberal gun laws but through gun control. In 1993, Professor Martin Killias of University of Lausanne, Switzerland, examined the correlations between household gun ownership and rates of homicides and suicides using a gun in eleven European countries, Australia, Canada and the United States (Killias 1721). Killias found that there is a positive correlation between gun ownership and the rates of homicides and suicides using a gun in the fourteen countries (1721). In citing examples, Killias pointed out that the United States homicide was 3.7 times higher than Britain and the US suicide with a handgun was 175 to 1 compared with the US (1722). He

Saturday, September 21, 2019

How Socio-Economic Classes Contributed to Events in 1800 Europe Essay Example for Free

How Socio-Economic Classes Contributed to Events in 1800 Europe Essay Described as â€Å"the divine distribution of men into different ranks, and at the same time uniting them into one society† (Gladstone, 1896), the socio-economic class order formed the structure and foundation of society in Europe. Consisting of three distinct entities and with a strong correspondence between economic prosperity and social standing, it would also serve as the backdrop for which historical phenomena would occur. Europe’s social order was not just the environment in which these events would materialize, but also a fundamental causal factor in three notable events; The French Revolution (1789-1799), The French Revolution of 1848 and Britain’s Industrial Revolution (1750 onwards). However, the origins of these events were also contingent upon other circumstantial factors. The roots of the first French revolution, arguably, are in The Enlightenment; the period of the philosophers. New philosophies advocating human rationality came to form by the mid 1700’s and were propelled into popular thought after the isolated, and highly charged, Jean Callas incident . Philosophers like Voltaire found the perfect vehicle in this incident to question the arbitrary use of power so prevalent in French society. The monarchy and the presence of the Social Order soon came into question. Across Europe, cafes sprung out to host discussion centered on the common theme of reason. Society cleaved toward enlightened ideas of rationality, equality and liberalism, leading to the growing questioning of the existing monarchial power structure. Alternative political ideologies for the state, from personalities like Rousseau and Locke, sprouted and undermined the legitimacy of the monarchy. While The Enlightenment is responsible for creating pressure from society against the monarchy, these ideas would have been impotent without suitable ground. The socio-economic categorizing of European society is a more fundamental cause of the first French Revolution because it provided this ground. The rigidity of the social order in late 17th century France accounts for the origins of the first French revolution. In theory, the social divisions were permeable and promoted mobility (Roberts, 1997). Across Europe, titles and estates could be purchased and so also, the privilege of the nobility. However the reality was often different. In light of booming trade, the demand for titles from the French bourgeoisie and returning nobility outstripped the number permitted by the social order . Furthermore, while the bourgeoisie enjoyed increasing economic power and could live equally, if not exceedingly, extravagant lives as the nobility, the social order shut this community out from the benefits of social privilege . This was exacerbated by the nobility’s stress on privilege in response to the new Bourgeois economic threat. The system’s disregard of merit in place of hereditary, and the fundamentally irrational social construct sowed discontentment within the second and third estate, where the ideals of enlightenment; rationality and equality, would find willing subscribers. Riding on the resentment toward society’s order and fuelled by The Enlightenment’s ideas did the French Revolution tear its way through to the Bastille. While the first French revolution was understandably a social battle, one could argue that the revolution of 1848 was born out of opposition to economic factors than on society’s social construct. The time leading up to 1848 was a time of gradual industrialization for France. Its products; rapid urbanization and changes in economic practices, broke familiar social patterns of the working class. For instance, the commercial system was rewritten by doing away with the cottage industry and previously public lands, privatized. Added to this, a burgeoning population, severe industrial and agricultural depressions in 1846 and Louis-Phillipe’s inaction in alleviating rural and urban poverty culminated to create great peasant discontent. The economic change that accompanied its deterioration galvanized the working class, triggering the third French revolution in 1848; aptly, also known as a Worker’s Revolution. However, it is artificial to separate economics from social class since there is a correspondence between social hierarchy and wealth. They are, after all, aptly named â€Å"socio-economic† classes. In analyzing yet another French revolution, an important observation to make is the persistence of Europe’s social order. Though the 1830 revolution delivered another great blow to the old social order (Magraw, 1987), and promised equality in opportunity and economic liberalism manifest in the abolishment of seigneurial practices for all, much had remained the same. Succinctly captured by Cobban’s argument that ‘it [did] not matter whether we [called] it aristocracy or bourgeoisie† , the cleaving of the aristocracy and bourgeoisie shows an adaption, not an eradication of the social order. The aristocracy kept to their ranks by continuing their distinctive politics and marriage practices (Magraw, 1987). Since most engaged with capitalism, they were mostly able to maintain their privileged lifestyle and control of much of the land . The Bourgeoisie continued to thrive, especially under the â€Å"Bourgeois King† and even went as far as to convert their wealth into land ownership. This neo-feudalism masquerading as the product of laissez faire economic practices, and the continuation of aristocratic dominance came at the expense of the working class. Thus did the working class continue in their economically disadvantaged positions. Their economic dependence on the old order’s aristocracy, had merely been replaced with a dependence on remnants of the same old order and a new Bourgeois one. The social order is a more fundamental account for the workers revolution, since it was responsible for creating the economic grievances of the working class which became the fuel for the 1848 revolution. The European social order again features as a causal factor in Britain’s Industrial Revolution. It is the very hierarchical nature of the class system that functioned as the engine for the Industrial Revolution. The industrial entrepreneurs of Britain, the main thrust for the innovation that characterized the revolution, took hold of Britain’s mineral resource advantage to affect rapid development. The motivations behind entrepreneurship are traced back to the make-up of society. Since social privilege was linked with economic wealth, successful merchants strived to purchase titles and convert their wealth into social status (Briggs, 1979). In this way, the extravagance of noble life, held in high regard, could be emulated. However, it is admittedly reductionistic to exclusively use the quest for noblehood to account for an entire revolution. Coupled with the desire for social advancement were also ideas from The Enlightenment and The Scientific Revolution; laissez faire economic practices and technological advancement respectively. Society as a whole was geared toward revolutionary development, equipped with the necessary ideology and possessing the necessary scientific capability. Nonetheless, the power of science and the power of thought would have remained a means without an end if not for the existence of Europe’s social class as the motivation to individuals for conomic advancement. Furthermore, the narrow elite which feature in Europe’s social order meant that there was a prolific number from the working class available for cheap employment and indeed, were the working class called upon for this. By 1850, more than 50% of the population were living in towns and city to work in factories and city-bound industries. The abundance of cheap labor comes from the old social order’s narrow top and wide base, and it sustained and accelerated industrialization to revolutionary measures. Thus, we trace back the origins of the Industrial revolution to socio-economic classes. Social hierarchical ascension was the motivation, and the demographic make-up, the sustenance. Evidently, the causality of the three historical events covered is not monolithic. Though the contributing factors are layered and many, the role of socio-economic class is central. Its rigid, persistent and hierarchical institution shaped the motivations of humanity and in doing so, account for the origins of major events in History.

Friday, September 20, 2019

A Gamma Rays Report Biology Essay

A Gamma Rays Report Biology Essay Have you ever know that Gamma-ray bursts can release more energy in 10 seconds than the Sun will emit the same amount of energy in its entire 10 billion-year lifetime? Have you ever believed that a Gamma-ray is actually the most energetic and most active photon in the electromagnetic spectrum? As a matter of fact, scientists believe that a gamma-ray burst will occur once every few million years in the Milky Way, but has it ever came to your mind that a gamma ray burst is the MOST powerful known explosion in the galaxy? Well, Gamma-rays are extremely high frequency waves that have very small wavelengths and carry the largest amount of energy in the entire electromagnetic spectrum. In fact, these waves are produced by radioactive atoms as well as nuclear explosions. Because Gamma-rays pass through almost any material and are very difficult to stop, one may need a large concentration of lead or concrete in order to block them out and reduce their damage. In fact, Gamma-rays also have the ability to cause serious damage when engaged by living cells due to their extremely high energy substance. How Gamma-Rays are produced? Gamma rays are obviously part of the electromagnetic spectrum, and are photons, or in other words, packets of energy. The term photon itself means visible light particle, however, photons inside gamma rays are called gamma photons. These photons inside the gamma rays have over a million times more energy than visible light. Gamma rays originate or actually come from the nucleus of an atom, and as a result, are produced when an atom is radioactive and contains too much energy in the nucleus (the center of an atom). Also, when the atom is very active it emits a beta particle, which is an extremely high speed electron or proton that is emitted when an atom is radioactive. However, when the atom emits a beta particle it still contains too much energy, so it emits a gamma photon, or in other words, gamma radiation.C:Documents and SettingsRamzaMy DocumentsMy Picturesgamma.gif Properties: Gamma rays are very high energy ionizing radiations that are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Gamma photons have absolutely no mass and no electric charges; they are neutral and have 100% pure electromagnetic energy. In fact, Gamma Radiation is a type of energy that has a very high frequency, and therefore, consists of extremely short wavelengths. Actually, Gamma Rays can travel at the speed of light due to their high energy levels; they can cover thousands of meters before consuming all their energy. Consequently, gamma photons can pass almost any type of material that includes human tissue. For instance, lead is used as a shield to slow down or stop gamma photons. Uses Gamma rays, which are basically electromagnetic radiations discharged by radioactive or atomic decay, are used in many purposes, from killing cancerous cells to measuring soil density. Even though Gamma rays contain some cancer-causing properties, they are somehow used to treat some types of cancer. As a matter of fact, in the procedure called gamma-knife surgery, different beams of gamma rays are actually directed on the growth (the cancerous cells) in order to kill them. Well, first of all, Gamma rays are used for many treatment purposes, mainly for killing tumors, cancer cells and other malignant cells in the human body. In fact, a tracer, which is in other words, a radioactive substance, is put inside the human body, and its path (trace) inside the body is then followed. A special gamma camera uses those rays to build up a picture, and this picture gives the doctor an excellent and complete vision of what he is treating and dealing with. The patient gets a very small dose of the radiation and, therefore, does not suffer greatly. Secondly, Gamma Rays are used in sterilizing medical equipment by actually killing the bacteria. They are also used to kill bacteria, microbes and insects in foodstuffs, mainly meat and vegetables, basically to maintain freshness. Furthermore, gamma rays are used to gauge thickness of metals in steel mills, measure and control flow in liquids in industrial processes, as well as provide very interesting images of the universe. Finally, Gamma rays have also disclosed huge information about the structure of the atomic nucleus, as they actually interact with substance by different separated elementary processes.C:Documents and SettingsRamzaMy DocumentsMy Picturesradiotherapy.jpg Effects As a matter of fact, Gamma radiation is the most penetrative type of energy known; gamma rays can get past even some of the densest and thickest materials, making them both a great benefit as well as a hazard. Because the photons that cover up gamma radiation are so energetic, their effect on human health is indeed extremely deep. Effects of gamma rays are well-known to everybody from treatment of nuclear fallout. In fact, close contact with radioactive materials of a significant size causes damage to skin tissue and deaths are also very likely. Normally, burns occur more or less directly, while nausea, fatigue and vomiting take hours to become visible after the exposure. Unfortunately, the burn is very painful and deep. Hair loss and bleeding may take up to months to start heeling and actually return to normal again. In fact, Gamma rays are generally recognized to be the most physically major grate by which ionization radiation causes cancer as well as heredity disease. http://www.a In conclusion, Gamma-rays have the shortest wavelengths, highest frequencies, and, as a result, are the most powerful and energetic form of light in the universe. As mentioned above, it has the most energy of any other wave in the electromagnetic spectrum. Gamma rays are used to kill cancerous cells, which actually assures the fact that gamma rays are an advantage to medicine, but, at the same time could be very harmful indeed. Actually, Gamma radiation is the most penetrative type of energy known currently; it can get past even some of the densest substances, making them both a great benefit as well as a hazard.C:Documents and SettingsRamzaMy DocumentsMy PicturesPicture%204_43.png Quotes about Gamma Rays In general, the objects in the universe that are very high-energy objects, or the processes that are high-energy processes, will radiate more in the short wavelength range towards the gamma rays or the x-rays. Claude Nicollier The first stage had been all over before the doctors even knew they were dealing with a new sickness; it was the direct reaction to the bombardment of the body, at the moment when the bomb went off, by neutrons, beta particles, and gamma rays. John Hersey Gamma was a logical progression after doing the Open Fire record. Ronnie Montrose I turned my attention for a while to gamma ray astronomy and soon began the first in a continous series of experiments at the Savannah River site to study the properties of the neutrino. Frederick Reines In this case, the particle formed has correspondingly less energy, whereas the product nucleus passes into the ground state with emission of the quantity of energy saved as gamma radiation. Walther Bothe Our border patrol does a great job under these very dangerous conditions. They use very sophisticated equipment, including gamma rays, to detect drugs and illegal immigrants as they enter the U.S. Timothy Murphy Read more: Citation Website Mark. Gamma Rays | Radiation Protection | US EPA.  US Environmental Protection Agency. Us Government, 1 Oct. 2010. Web. 12 Feb. 2011. . Thompson, Martin J. What Is a Gamma Ray?  WiseGEEK: Clear Answers for Common Questions. IND, INC, May-June 2028. Web. 10 Feb. 2011. . Moss, Jennifer M. The Electromagnetic Spectrum: Gamma Rays.  Andy Darvills Science Site: Home. Google, Jan. 2006. Web. 21 Feb. 2011. . Liam S. Gamma Ray Quotes Science Quotes Dictionary of Science Quotations and Scientist Quotes.  Today In Science History. Web. 21 Feb. 2011. . Book Schonfelder, Volker. 5.  The Universe in Gamma Rays. Berlin [u.a.: Springer, 2001. Print.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Sophocles Antigone †Comparing the Symbolic Alignment Utilized by Creo

Sophocles' Antigone – Comparing the Symbolic Alignment Utilized by Creon and President George Bush ... he who has not first laid his foundations may be able with great ability to lay them afterwards, but they will be laid with trouble to the architect and danger to the building. - The Prince by Machiavelli Sophocles addresses this very problem in his play Antigone by the methods Creon uses to rule Thebes. Creon begins ruling Thebes in a very difficult time and circumstance. The polis has been embroiled in tragedy for over a generation. Creon must rule the city and consolidate the Theban citizens behind him. He resorts to symbolic means to unite the people, but he goes too far-- he is unyielding in his adherence to the symbolic policy he adopts, and too late becomes aware that he is actually losing the people he tries to lead.Creon capitalizes on recent tragic events in Thebes to consolidate his power and legitimize his position. The latest war in Thebes was waged between two brothers-- Eteocles and Polyneices. Polyneices, the elder brother, was to have the throne; but Eteocles drove him out by convincing the people that Polyneices carried Oedipus' curse. Polyneices went to Argos and raised an army, then returned in order to drive Eteocles out and retake control of Thebes (Oedipus at Colonus 1532-5). In the ensuing battle, the brothers killed each other-- they "worked out their share in common death" (Antigone 162). Their strife is over. Polyneices' army has returned to Argos, leaving the kingship of Thebes to Creon.Creon has just come to power in a city that has had more than its share of grief: King Laius was murdered, then the Sphynx and a plague tormented the polis with death. Next, Oedipus discovered his own crime... ...e question is not unique the ancient Thebes, however, and it behooves us to examine Creon's methods and goals in light of current events. For example, President Bush is currently using the tragedy of the World Trade Center attacks last year to unite the American people... more importantly to unite them under his leadership. His approval ratings are sky-high, up in the 70th percentile, according to polls by Gallup, CNN, USAToday, Fox, the Christian Science Monitor, Time, and others ( By making his policy one of "Good vs. Evil," he has polarized the conflict, and who wouldn't want to be on the side of the Good? This method is not inherently wrong or bad, but with it come many caveats, as Creon discovered, and as Machiavelli warns. Symbols can be useful tools, but like any good tool, they can be dangerous if used without care.

Hamlet :: essays research papers

Soliloquies make us understand the true feelings that someone is feeling. It unlocks the secret of the mind. What are soliloquies? â€Å" A literary or dramatic form of discourse in which a character talks to himself or reveals his thoughts in the form of a monologue without addressing a listener†. Specific soliloquies illustrate what really goes on in Hamlet’s mind, and also other characters in the play. Hamlet is a very complicating character, and the only way we can actually understand him is through his soliloquies. â€Å"O, that this too solid flesh would melt, thaw and resolve itself into a dew†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (page 31), in this soliloquy, its like he’s saying that he wants to melt inside earth like water into the ground. Hamlet expresses here his feelings towards his mother marrying his uncle, two months after the death of his father. â€Å"How weary stale, flat and unprofitable seem to me all the uses of the world â€Å"(page 31). This quote shows the attitude Hamlet uses towards life, he is saying that the world is stale, it has no taste left. Hamlet is showing his pessimistic side in him in this soliloquy. When the ghost of Hamlet’s father reveals to Hamlet who killed him, Hamlet becomes more complicating, he becomes furious. â€Å"†¦That one may smile and be a villain atleast I’m sure it may be so in Denmark† (page 69) in this soliloquy Hamlet shows his feelings towards Claudius, that Claudius is smiling to show that he is nice when he isn’t. In this soliloquy we also understand more about Hamlets character that he tends to be sarcastic and a bit hysterical. Another soliloquy that shows us Hamlets feelings is the one after Hamlet finds out that Rosencrants and Guildenstern were trying to spy on him for Claudius. â€Å"What a rogue and peasant slave I am†¦am i a coward?†¦but i am a pigeon livered and lack gall† (page 125) Hamlet shows here his anger that he has to himself for not taking yet revenge against his father’s killer. He’s basically saying in this quote that he has no courage. Therefore this soliloquy reveals to the readers that deep inside Hamlet isn’t courageous. â€Å" Why what an ass am I.. the son of the dear murdered prompted to my revenge by heaven and hell, must like a whore unpack my heart with words. At the end of this soliloquy, Hamlet reveals his plan to reenact the killing of his father to see Claudius’s reaction.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

My Educational Philosophy :: Philosophy of Education Teaching Essays

My Educational Philosophy Education is diverse. Due to the various natures of knowledge and students, it is difficult to place my educational philosophy in one category. Each student is unique; curriculums vary depending on many factors. I feel that many educational philosophies are beneficial to education. The nature of students reflects many things including heredity, home life, and society as a whole. Through my experiences working with Americorps/Energy Express, I learned children from lower income families tend to lose three months of education during the summer break. The students never regain these losses. While lower income children lose learning, children from higher income families gain a month of learning. This demonstrates the importance of home life in the nature and education of students. When teaching, one must always consider the aspects that may affect the students’ nature along with the nature of knowledge. Knowledge is both relative and absolute. Literature is an example of relative knowledge. Interpretation of books or poetry depend on the person reading the material, the place where the literature is read, and the time period in which the person is living. Science and mathematics are absolute. One plus one equals two regardless of the time, place, or person. Acquiring knowledge, whether absolute or relative, is the purpose of education. Public education is important to improving society and the future. Like Plato, I feel education gives people the ability to think critically instead of being blindly led by others. As a future teacher, I am idealistic in that I hope to encourage students to challenge themselves, I also hope to encourage students to continue learning throughout life, and prepare for college. To accomplish these goals, I will incorporate pragmatic methods like hands on activities through laboratory experiments and problem solving into my teaching. This also falls under experimentalism. The Socratic method of small group discussions, lecturing, and questioning will be used to help students acquire knowledge. Using many methods will help all students to understand the material presented. Discipline will play an important role in reaching my goals for the students. I plan to use pragmatic methods also in establishing rules.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Climate Council

Climate Council The organisation chosen is Climate Council, which has made great part in doing study on the clime alteration to the populace. Climate council is non-profit organisation set up to go on to register studies to the populace to do them be cognizant of the clime alteration state of affairs at the present.Introduction of Climate CouncilClimate Council is an Australian non-profit organisation ( NGO ) , which is established to supply a better image and manner for the populace to acquire to cognize facts of clime alterations. Till now, the NGO is funded by contributions from public. At first, Climate Council is named as Australian Climate Commission, launched by the former opinion party Labor Party in 2011 as an independent consultative group to register studies to the populace on clime alteration. After the new party came into force in 2013, the Climate Council is dismissed for avoiding duplicate of services. But thanks to the state of affairss that many people are appealing to the reinstate ment of Climate Council both in world and online, the Climate Council was set up in 2013 by Tim Flannery, a former head commissioner of the Climate Commission. And harmonizing to Flannery, the council members are working pro bono. Till now, Climate Council is running based on people’s contribution. And the head director has promised that people could donate, but they could ne'er impact their independency and credibleness by contribution ( Guardian, 2013 ) .Valuess of Climate CouncilHarmonizing to Smith and Gruber ( 2006 ) , throughout the history of Earth, clime alteration is a immense job at the present. The job is non whether clime alteration exists, but when, where and how much serious clime alteration is at the minute ( Bulkeley & A ; Betsill, 2002 ) . The first value of Climate Council is consciousness of clime alteration state of affairs and its influence by the populace. Climate Council is set up by the Labor Party once more to assist the populace to be cognizant of the state of affairs of clime alteration and the influences clime alterations would hold on people’s life. At first it was dumped by the authorities governments, but as public is appealing to the Climate Council extremely both online and in world, Climate Council is established once more for the interest of the populace. As ideas of the populace is developing, clime alterations is more and more serious and the populace is more cognizant of the influences brought approximately by clime alterations, the populace would love to cognize more about the current state of affairs of the clime alteration and its consequence on different facets of our life. Furthermore, to cognize more about the society and universe people are populating in is an equal right for all the people. In Australia, people’s consciousness of clime alteration is developing and people would make more to assist the lone Earth to be a better topographic point for people and their coevalss to populate. Therefore, people’s consciousness of the state of affairs of clime alteration and its consequence is a basic right for the people populating in Australia. That is to state, Climate Council is making a great occupation in recognizing people’s right of consciousness, as a non-profit organisation. What is more, when people know more about the consequence brought approximately by clime alterations, people would make more to cut down green-house gases, cut down pollution and assist the Earth to be a more comfy and sustainable topographic point for their coevalss to populate, which is a win-win motion. Second, its value is non-profit. Before 2011, Climate Council is a portion of Australian authorities and their staff get paid by the revenue enhancement of the people. After 2013, Climate Council is a non-profit organisation. Non-profit organisation is a sort of organisation which does non concentrate on profitable industry, and stress on public personal businesss to better public public assistance, such as instruction, human rights, environment and so on. Non-profit organisation is the sort of organisation reflecting people’s consciousness of attention, love and part. The staff in Climate Council is now working pro bono, which is worthy of regard from foreigners. And their good religion should be spoken extremely of. Third, its value is independency. Till now, Climate Council gets contributions from the populace. But the current job is that the fund is non a stable flow of fund, but a flexible one, which would non be a good pick for a long-run run. As a consequence, the main executive of Climate Council is looking for a stable and large company or several investors to corporate. With the long-run stable fund, they might make better on their research and study on clime alteration. But here comes another job which is that its independency may be affected by the largest investors. But the main executive has stated that they will remain independency and will non be affected by any other 3rd party ( Guardian, 2013 ) . Fourthly, its value is credibleness. The credibleness of Climate Council is an indispensable component to the consciousness of people. Peoples would make as they suggested to assist the universe to be a better topographic point, which means that the study people’s action is based on should be trusting. Since Climate Council is a 3rd party funded by contribution from the populace, its non-profit characteristic would assist Climate Council to be more creditable when doing studies on clime alteration to the populace. Since Climate Council is set up, non intend for money but meant to make more to assist the populace to acquire to cognize the clime alterations and its consequence so as to assist cut down the release of green-house gases, the credibleness of Climate Council is made certain. What is more, when Climate Council would acquire contributions from some certain companies or groups for stable and long-run undertaking, the head director has promised that the study of the inst itute would remain creditable and will non be affected by any other 3rd party. The statement of the main executive makes certain that the people could swear the study of Climate Council and so do some actions and motions towards the jobs it refers to or harmonizing to some suggestions Climate Council has made in those studies ( Guardian, 2013 ) . I agree to the full on the values of Climate Council, which are warrant of people’s rights of consciousness of clime alteration and its side effects, non-profit, independency and credibleness. The rights of people’s consciousness is portion of human rights, which is pulling more and more attending on the international universe. As an institute of appealing to people to protect the environment, non-profit shows their purpose is environmental protection. Independence and credibleness make sure that the study of Climate Council is trusting and people could do reactions harmonizing to the studies. As a consequence, I am to the full for the above mentioned four values of Climate Council.Interests of Climate CouncilThe involvements of Climate Council would be divided into three parts. First of wholly, from the position of capital, since the institute is non-profit and all the fund it receives would be used on the study of clime alteration, as a effect, the institute will non acquire capital as net incomes. And because the staff are working pro bono, the staff themselves will non acquire a big amount of money as payment. As a consequence, both the institute and its staff will non acquire money as involvements. Second, the involvements of the institute and staff are non-profit and for the public assistance and involvements of the populace. The public’s right of consciousness of clime alteration and its side effects to their life criterions would be served and guaranteed. Third, the involvements of the institute are for the interest the Earth and all the people populating on it. Because when people find out the current serious state of affairs of clime alteration and its side consequence to their life criterions and the Earth, the protection of the clime and the Earth would be enhanced. As a consequence, the Earth would be protected and the life criterions and wellness of people and their coevalss would be guaranteed. As a effect, the whole involvements of Climate Council would be for the involvements of all Australians, all the human existences and the Earth. I am extremely for their high consciousness of part. To do it more practical than a promise, I would propose Climate Council would put up a promotion system to hold all their contributions and costs known by the populace, as many non-profit organisations do. This action would do its studies more independent, trusting and dependable.Advocacy Positions.From the studies of Climate Council, the protagonism place it takes is that human existences should take duty of clime alteration due to factory pollution, coal combustion and other industrial actions, merely as Susan ( 2009 ) has wrote in her book. And it has stand for animate beings that animate beings are non the chief grounds for clime alteration, merely the same with Steinfeld’s point of position ( 2006 ) . What is more, natural catastrophe is non chief cause for clime alteration, ei ther ( Climate Council Report, 2014 ) . There are two facets of its protagonism place Climate Council stands for. On the one manus, its protagonism place could be that the rights of Australians to hold a better apprehension of clime alteration and its bad effects to human being’s life could be realized and guaranteed. On the other manus, one time the public get a better apprehension of clime alteration and its side effects, Australians would make their best to protect the environment, tonss of runs would be launched to cut down the release of green-house gases, such as C dioxide and so on. After people’s consciousness has been aroused and motion has been made to better the quality of environment, a better topographic point for life could be looked frontward to in the close hereafter. To sum up, the protagonism place of Climate Council is people’s consciousness and the environment protection. On the one manus, the consciousness of clime alteration and its side effects could be get by the pubic, which is besides their right to hold a better apprehension of the continent they are populating on. On the other manus, the Earth would be protected in a more effectual and efficient manner. In the terminal, the concluding purpose of Climate Council would be realized. 5. Use of Science The usage of scientific discipline could be divided into two parts, one is that Climate Council is utilizing scientific discipline to distribute their thought of environment protection and the other is that people could utilize scientific discipline power to construct a better universe with less pollution, as what Americans ballot for ( National Research Council, 2010 ) . Because of the development of computing machines, laptops, smart phones, web sites and other on-line societal webs, Climate Council could be small to distribute their study and environmental positions to other people online. From the studies, one can state that people are reading and distributing the studies through Tweet, its official web and other societal webs. In this means, more people could acquire to their clime studies with no fees attached. In the study â€Å"Be prepared: clime alteration and NSW bushfire threat† , statistics and economic statistics are used throughout the study, such as â€Å" in 2013, bushfires in January and October burnt 768,000 hectares of land and destroyed 279 homes† , â€Å"total economic costs of NSW bushfires in 2014 are projected to be $ 43 million† ( Climate Council Report, 2014 ) and so on. Thankss to science development, statistics could be used to depict the influence of bushfire and clime alteration in a specific manner. Peoples would be moved by the particular and big figure of losingss, which would elicit their willingness to protect the Earth female parent. In the study named â€Å"Your forenoon caffeine hit is at risk† ( Climate Council Report, 2014 ) , picture is used to show their thoughts, which is a field, graphic manner for audience to detect, besides thanks to the development of scientific discipline. In the study related to coastal flood menace ( Brisbane Times, 2014 ) , thanks to the power of scientific discipline, scientists would acquire to cognize the grounds doing coastal flood menace and would supply ways to work out the job scientifically. In another study named â€Å"Solar: people’s choice† ( Climate Council Report, 2014 ) , scientific discipline development aid people to utilize solar power as a agency to warm their bath H2O and room. The clean and natural resources could non be turned into power for human existences to utilize without the aid of extremely developed engineering and scientific discipline. Science could assist the universe to cut down pollution and do a more comfy topographic point to populate. About usage of scientific discipline by Climate Council, I would propose that more work could be done. For illustration, I find out that people would love to portion a picture study made by Climate Council instead than a written version. As a effect, Climate Council could do more video study to better their influence. After all, their purpose is to do more and more people get entree to the clime studies and know the study content which would elicit their purpose to protect the environment and the continent they are populating on.DecisionAs for values of Climate Council, I speak extremely of its four values, which are warrant of rights of people’s consciousness of clime alteration and its side effects, non-profit, independency and credibleness. As to involvements of Climate Council, I would state that, the institute is working for the public assistance of the populace of Australian, even people throughout the universe. It would be better if they have their contributions and cos ts known to public. With respect to its protagonism place, Climate Council is working to protect environment in the terminal. About the usage of scientific discipline, they could utilize video more when distributing the studies to do more people get entree to the studies. Mentions Bulkeley, H. & A ; Betsill, M. ( 2002 ) .Cities and Climate Change. London ; New York: Routledge. National Research Council. ( 2010 ) .America ‘s Climate Choices: Panel on Advancing the Science of Climate Change.Washington, D.C. : The National Academies Press. Smith, T. M. , Yin, X. & A ; Gruber, A. ( 2006 ) . Variations in one-year planetary precipitation ( 1979–2004 ) , based on the Global Precipitation Climatology Project 2.5 ° analysis.Geophysical Research Letters, 33 ( 6 ) . Solomon, S. , Plattner, G. K. , Knutti, R. & A ; Friedlingstein, P. , ( 2009 ) . Irreversible clime alteration due to carbon dioxide emanations.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106 ( 6 ) . Steinfeld, H. , Gerber, P. , Wassenaar, T. , Castel, V. , Rosales, M. & A ; C. de Haan. ( 2006 ) . Livestock ‘s Long Shadow: Environment Issues and Options. Climate Council. ( 2014 ) . Be prepared: clime alteration and the NSW Bushfire Threat, retrieved Oct 28Thursday, 2014 from: hypertext transfer protocol: // Climate Council. ( 2014 ) . Your forenoon caffeine hit is at hazard, retrieved on Oct 26Thursday, 2014 from: hypertext transfer protocol: // Climate Council. ( 2014 ) . Solar: the people’s pick, retrieved on Oct 26Thursday, 2014 from: hypertext transfer protocol: // Hannam, P. ( 2014 ) . Coastal flood menace rises, says Climate Council,Brisbane Times,retrieved on Oct 26Thursday, 2014 from: hypertext transfer protocol: // Milman, O. ( 2013 ) . Climate council faces ‘titantic struggle’ , says Tim Flannery,The Guardian,retrieved on Oct 26Thursday, 2014 from: hypertext transfer protocol: //

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Globalization of Mcdonald’s

Leading the Global Enterprise System Abstract The organization chosen is McDonald’s. McDonald’s is a multibillion dollar corporation that has concurred the fast food industry around the globe. McDonald’s has grow by expanding into new competitive spaces, attaining a complex mixture of financial knowledge, custom understanding, developing material and knowledge assets, to expand the market possibilities and replicating and standardizing their practices to be duplicated in similar markets across the globe.McDonalds as a western corporation had to make adjustments in the way they think and react to situations and customs. This paper will demonstrate how McDonald’s developed an open-mindness on the part of their leadership. Outline and Annotated Bibliography Globalization A. Introduction 1. The globalization of a multi-billion dollar corporation. 2. This paper will provide a guide through a corporation that addresses its western effect on other nations through food. B. Points of discussion 1. Anti-globalization movement against the west. . There are several reasons why leadership fails to support the organization and its goals. 3. Increasing performance through deep change. 4. The Five stage approach competency model. C. Conclusions 1. Lack of leadership coupled with cultural sensitivity can provide success or failure. 2. Further research into developing leadership styles that would support and enhance the service provided in other non western nations. Introduction McDonald’s a multi-billion dollar corporation that utilizes local employees in each community.The mega giant has developed a tier of progression of success as it has an on going development of a component of the corporation’s strategic plan to educate their managers and line level employees. This occurs by developing a nurturing and ever developing environment for its staff. As such, McDonald’s has demonstrated its dedication throughout its globalization a cross the street and around the world through the development of a university designed to teach the managers how to lead. The Hamburger University is designed to teach basic management skills with an emphasis on consumer’s behavior and leadership skills.The university also focuses on restaurant specific skills to operate a specific restaurant in a particular geographic location. The utilization of the university has lead to the development of a global leadership program. In turn it has strengthened the management staff that supports its line workers in an achievement –oriented environment. The employees can meet with their managers to be challenged and empowered to find the solutions. This paper will address the techniques and measured outcomes of the globalization of the multi-billion Dollar Corporation and how it develops the staff through the leadership and training it provides.Culture (from the Latin cultural stemming from colere, meaning â€Å"to cultivate† )[1] generally refers to patterns of human activity and the symbolic structures that give such activities significance and importance. Cultures can be â€Å"understood as systems of symbols and meanings that even their creators contest, that lack fixed boundaries, that are constantly in flux, and that interact and compete with one another†[2] Culture can be defined as all the ways of life including arts, beliefs and institutions of a population that are passed down from generation to generation.Culture has been called â€Å"the way of life for an entire society. â€Å"[3] As such, it includes codes of manners, dress, language, religion, rituals, norms of behavior such as law and morality, and systems of belief as well as the art. (Wikipedia, 2008)) Cultural diversity is explaining the differences between people, such as language, the way they dress and traditions and the way societies organize themselves, their conception of morality and religion, and the way they interact with the environment. (Wikipedia, 2008) Cultural competence refers to an ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures.Cultural competence comprises four components: (a) Awareness of one's own cultural worldview, (b) Attitude towards cultural differences, (c) Knowledge of different cultural practices and worldviews, and (d) cross-cultural Skills. Developing cultural competence results in an ability to understand, communicate with, and effectively interact with people across cultures. Globalization Globalization is defined as the process of social, political, economic, cultural, and technological integration among countries around the world. (Hodgetts, Luthans, Doh) This process has occurred in almost every nation across the globe.Globalization has influenced international interaction of various cultures in order to exchange and educated other parts of the world. This process is designed to trade the culture’s services, ideas and products. Moreover, the enc ouragement of globalization has a significant impact on the political and economic involvement throughout the world. A major influence of globalization is food. Styles of foods are easily globalized throughout the world as each of us is made up of some sort of hybrid of a different culture. It is not uncommon for a grandmother to make a dish from the â€Å"old country† during a festive holiday.The consumption and preparation of the dish in its original ethnic form is what allows the globalization to continue throughout the generations. If changes occur to the originality of the food its cultural beliefs are somewhat diminished. McDonald’s a multi-billion dollar mega corporation decided to go global with the westernized fast food industry into foreign countries. This transformation bought one of the US most beloved foods to other geographical locations and impacted a generation. Most cultures infrequently accepted such a new concept of a food so its introduction was unf amiliar and extremely different.McDonald’s was the first corporation to introduce new eating habits and changes to other nations. As the introduction occurred throughout the world Catherine Schnaubelt wrote in her study that â€Å"McDonald’s has over 1. 5 million franchises in the United States and about half of the total franchises are outside the U. S. in over 120 countries. † As a result of the widespread introduction of McDonald’s the company has demonstrated its willingness to conform to the local culture by the pervasive enhances rather than contaminate its culture.As a result of these enhances McDonald’s has permitted most of the foreign franchises to be locally owned and operated however utilizing the core values of the corporation without creating undesirable affects on the culture. This is called franchising. A franchise is a business arrangement under which one party (the franchisor) allows another (the franchisee) to operate an enterpri se using its trademark, logo, product line, and methods of operation in return for a fee. (Hodgetts, Luthans, Doh) With that said, the individual culture and norms are integrated within the menu.This includes the religious and the culture’s diversity. However, in some nations McDonald’s is viewed as the west and its global movement away from long-established culturally based foods towards the consumption of fast food. This process Americanizes the culture it infiltrates by the restructuring of the local diet at some level. This infiltration is viewed in a negative manner by some and as hip by the younger generation that is exposed to more of American development through movies, music and the internet. Anti-GlobalizationIn 1999 a French farmer named Jose Bove of Brazil ransacked a McDonald’s only to become a hero to anti-globalization. His emergence at anti-globalization gatherings across the world and even in the US has given him overnight fame for his intrepid move in destroying a McDonald’s restaurant. Bove’s aspiration came from the desire to support the local farmers and to stop the destruction of the fields by extracting the goods and mixing them with unhealthy chemicals to enhance the flavor. Eric Schlosser (2002), states that â€Å"By eating like Americans people all over the world are beginning to look more like Americans, at least in one respect.The United States has one of the highest obesity rates of any industrialized nation in the world. † (p. 240). â€Å"As people eat more meals outside the home, they consume more calories, less fiber and more fat. † (p. 241). The introduction of unhealthy foods and eating habits of foreign foods into outside cultures radically affects the traditional culture found in the nation’s foods despite McDonald’s attempt to incorporate the nation’s culture and religious beliefs in the menu. Many Europeans worry about globalization's effects on their fo od from the west.However, the prominent anti-globalization movement is actually a small minority. In fact, a clear majority of Europeans, especially the young, accepts that increasing global economic, political, and cultural exchange can enrich their country and their lives. They believe that a strong European Union can help them take advantage of globalization's benefits while shielding them from its negative effects. Despite the views of others some Europeans believe globalization is what is right for Europe. Leadership Competency ModelThe types of leadership perspectives that McDonald’s incorporates in their management is the Leadership Competency Model. The Leadership Competency Model utilizes a leadership appraisal program. Each organization has its own process and culture to nurture its employees. Some processes often fail as they do not provide ownership to the participants and fail to account for the different cultures, climates, and nuances found in every organizatio n. For effective change to take place you must involve the individuals in the development and implementation of any process.This guide uses a five stage approach for building a competency model: * Stage One – Assemble Focus team and create a list of processes. * Stage Two – Build behavioral indicators for each process. * Stage Three – Categorize the data. * Stage Four – Order each category. * Stage Five – Validate your competency model. The first stage in building a Leadership Competency Model is to assemble a Focus Team composed of a cross-functional mix of first-line leaders, middle leaders, and senior leaders.McDonald’s provides the Leadership Competency Model in conjunction with Hamburger University to develop leadership. Graduates from the university and those who participates in the Leadership Competency Model development of processes are considered the experts practitioners in their field. That is, they should be the finest in their f ields. Using interviews, surveys, observations, including information on how individuals act, think, and feel while doing their jobs and other activities, create a list of the major processes and the requirements needed y leaders to disseminate in the workplace. In Stage Two, the members of the team identify the major behavioral indicators for each competency that must be performed to produce the desired outputs. Going through each competency, list the major behavioral indicators (Skills, Knowledge, attitudes) needed for superior performance (normally two to four). These behavioral indicators need to be: *Future-focused rather than need or problem-focused. * Part of a strategic planning or organizational change process model.In Stage Three, you categorize the data to include a leadership competency list divided into three categories, Core, Leadership, and Professional; with the behavioral indicator listed for each process. The core competencies is required of all individuals within the organization, the leadership competencies are specialty items for managers and supervisors, while the professional competencies are specific for each position. The competency list will insure that the chosen behavioral indicators are really the required skills, knowledge, or attitudes.The method used to organize the competencies is reduced to smaller, more manageable bundles of information that can easily be identified and used throughout the organization. Stage Four provides order to each category. Stage Four allows the identification of importance for each category. This allows the opportunity to discard unnecessary or excessive categories from the list. Stage Five allows validation of the instrument. This can be completed by utilizing duplication through replicating the original results: Replicate the original research results.This is done by obtaining another sample of superior performers, conducting interviews, and deriving a competency model. Creating departmental focus gr oups to allow more people to become involved, while at the same time, giving you less information to accumulate. Structured Interviews/Observation: Perform one-on-one interviews and observations with a random number of leaders throughout the organization to determine which competencies they perform and to get their opinions of which ones are the most important for the execution of their job.In order to develop a program to achieve this goal a strategic understanding and planning need to occur. Understanding motivation, the key to success, relates to the adhered interest and involvement in a goal-oriented task by a member of the team. There are a variety of ways to view what rewards affect learning and behavior in the workplace. Two such ways are intrinsic desires and external controls. Intrinsic desire is the desire of the learner to reach mastery of a skill, as well as situational factors, based on personal desires that drive or motivate the employee.External controls are those tha t are governed by the policies and procedures of the organization. These procedures prevent and/or protect the necessity and essence of the organization. Generally, lack of having available the sources of motivation which are the primary reason to retain an employee with a corporation is divided into two categories; each containing a number of components responding to related strategies. McDonald’s has developed a university to combat poor development within the company. In 1961, Fred turner, a former senior chairman and Ray Kroc’s first grillman founded Hamburger University.The university was developed to provide training that emphasized consistent restaurant operations to include procedures, services, quality and cleanliness. It is the company’s global center for training and leadership development. Currently there are more than 5,000 employees that attend the university each year. Since 1961 more than 80,000 managers, mid-managers and owner/operators have gra duated from the university. Hamburger University was developed to foster the company mission to be the best aptitude in each of its employees.For employees who attend the university the hope is to instill Quality, Services, Cleanliness and Value (QSC;amp;V). Increasing Performance| | | | To attain excellence, an individual, group or organization must care enough about an activity to insist that it fully meets and exceeds the demands of its audience (either internal or external), and this involves a fair amount of risk. (Leslie, J. Velsor, E 1996) McDonald’s utilizes the five stage approach for building a competency model as a means to devise a road map of development for the employees within the company.The utilization of Hamburger University, the five stage approach and grasping the view of the Quality, Services, cleanliness and Value (QSC;amp;V) gives the employees the opportunity to reach for a deep change for success. Leadership and Culture Sensitivity Despite notable pro gress in the overall acceptance of globalization there continues to be continuing disparities in effects of the west emerging into other cultures. The acceptance status among the east and others compared to the U. S. opulation as a whole shows a vast difference in how corporations such as McDonalds can grow globally. In addition, the global system is becoming more challenged as the population becomes more ethnically diverse. Therefore, the future of globalization in areas such as China will be directly impacted by the influence of McDonalds to the social economical environment to provide substantial improvements. Cultural, ethnic, linguistic, and economic differences impact how individuals and groups access and use globalized products.They can also present barriers to effective communication between the leader and the employee if there is a lack of understanding of the language, culture or norms. This is especially true when leader’s stereotypes, misinterpret, make faulty ass umptions, or otherwise mishandle their encounters with employees who are viewed as different in terms of their backgrounds and experiences. The demand for culturally competent leaders in the United States is a direct result of the need for leaders to handle operations that have gone global.The term cultural competence refers to the ability to work effectively with individuals from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds, or in settings where several cultures coexist. It includes the ability to understand the language, culture, and behaviors of other individuals and groups, and to make appropriate recommendations. Cultural competence exists on a continuum from incompetence to proficiency. Cultural sensitivity, which is a necessary component of cultural competence, means that leaders make a significant effort to be aware of and understand the culture in which they work.Cultural competence cannot be achieved through short workshops or classes. A long-term commitment is required to le arn a second language and become familiar with other cultures to deliver an effective service for the ethnically diverse world and the potential and actual cultural factors that affect their interactions with a client. It also means that they are willing to design programs and materials and implement those programs to make recommendations that are culturally relevant and culturally specific. The terms cultural competence and culturally effective and are sometimes used synonymously.Culturally effective training is, indeed, related to cultural competence and cultural sensitivity. However, it goes beyond these concepts in describing the dynamic relationship between leader and employee. Effective communication between leaders and employees may be even more challenging when linguistic barriers exist. Cultural competence is a developmental process that requires a long-term commitment. It is not a specific end product that occurs after a two-hour workshop, but it is an active process of le arning and practicing over time. Becoming culturally competent is discuss than to implement.Individuals working with different ethnic and cultural groups can become more culturally competent by advancing through three main stages: developing awareness, acquiring knowledge, and developing and maintaining cross-cultural skills. Developing cultural awareness includes recognizing the value of the population and its cultural diversity. It also means an honest assessment of one's biases and stereotypes to include limits of their understanding. One can never learn enough about another culture. However, acquiring knowledge about other groups is the foundation of cultural competence.In addition to understanding other cultures, it is essential to understand how different cultural groups view themselves. Knowledge of another culture includes assessments of facts to include relevant norms, values, worldviews, and the practicality of everyday life and how that reflects in the business as a whole . Even though the United States is a pluralistic society, most employers have been trained in a mono-cultural tradition. In addition to this some leaders operate as if ethnic and cultural differences are insignificant.Cross-cultural skills are developed through formal training, informal interaction and experience. Organizational Responsibilities It is important for leaders to articulate a commitment to cultural competence and to initiate cultural-competence initiatives. Many companies receive social and legal pressures to do this from different segments of the cultures they impact. The development of professional preparation programs can play a significant role in providing the knowledge and skills for culturally competent leaders.These programs can provide on the job training and other formats developed with the sole purpose of addressing cultural competence and/or cultural sensitivity. They also can provide specific educational components on cultural competence and/or cultural sen sitivity within the program. Trainings and in house development of skills is one thing but leaders need to go beyond educating their employees and providing workshops on cultural sensitivity they must also change institutional policies and procedures.This can be done by constant review and ongoing development of the skills needed. Steps to Becoming Culturally Competent Developing Awareness * Admitting personal biases, stereotypes, and prejudices * Becoming aware of cultural norms, attitudes, and beliefs * Valuing diversity * Willingness to extend oneself psychologically and physically to others * Recognizing comfort level in different situations Acquiring Knowledge * Knowing how your culture is viewed by others * Attending classes, workshops, and seminars about other cultures * Reading about other cultures Watching movies and documentaries about other cultures * Attending cultural events and festivals * Sharing knowledge and experiences with others * Visiting other countries before placement. Developing and Maintaining Cross-Cultural Skills * Making friends with people of different cultures * Establishing professional and working relationships with people of different cultures * Learning another language * Learning verbal and nonverbal cues of other cultures * Becoming more comfortable in cross-cultural situations * Assessing what works and what does not Assessing how the beliefs and behaviors of the cultural group affect the client or family * Learning to negotiate between the person's beliefs and practices and the culture of your profession * Being more flexible * Attending continuing education seminars and workshops * Learning to develop culturally relevant and appropriate programs, materials, and interventions * Learning to evaluate culturally relevant and appropriate programs, materials, and interventions * Ongoing evaluation of personal feelings and reactions Overcoming fears, personal biases, stereotypes, and prejudices *Developing and implementing a st rategy to recruit, retain, and promote qualified, diverse, and culturally competent administrative, and support staff * Promoting and supporting the necessary attitudes, behaviors, knowledge, and skills for staff to work respectfully and effectively with patients and each other in a culturally diverse work environment * Developing a comprehensive strategy to address culturally and linguistically appropriate services, including strategic goals, plans, policies, and procedures * Hiring and training interpreters and bilingual staff Providing a bilingual staff or free interpretation services to customers and employees with limited English skills * Translating and making available commonly used educational materials in different languages * Developing structures and procedures to address cross-cultural ethical and legal conflicts, complaints, or grievances. While cultural competence has increased significantly, there is still much to be done on the personal, organizational, and societal levels. Education and training to enhance the ability of a culturally effective leader must be integrated into lifelong learning.Through these activities, current and future leaders will be prepared to meet the needs of cultures from across the street and around the world. Conclusion In conclusion, globalization through the fast food industry has allowed the west to develop in other countries. McDonalds has been a dominating force in the immergence of western culture. The globalization within the food industry is not always received warmly by everyone in other nations. The fast food industry offers food items that change or may violate religious or cultural beliefs.However, McDonald’s has taken extreme efforts to develop a corporation that offers education and training to all of the employees. This training gives each restaurant the opportunity to develop within the five stage model utilized for leadership. By allowing restaurants to be locally owned by other nations through franchising allows for community owned companies. This thus allows them to drive changes in the menu to support the traditions and religious beliefs. With local owned restaurants it’s difficult to believe that there would be any resistance through anti-globalization.Anti-globalization only impedes global progress and can cause significant economic issues. McDonalds as a global leader has been successful in the development of its staff and support in the community.References | | Kaye, B and Jordon-Evans (1997) Love’em or Lose’em: Getting Good People to Stay O’Hagan, K. (2007) â€Å"Social Work Practice: â€Å"A Practical Guide for Professionals. † Jessica Kinglsey Publishers, 15 – 19 Northouse, P. (2007) Leadership Theory and Practice Sage Publications. Hodgetts, R. , Luthans, F. 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